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Yan Xishan And The Arms Industry In Shanxi

Posted on:2012-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H XuFull Text:PDF
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Yan Xishan is one of a warlord living in the late Qing and Republican political era. Yan Xishan was suspicion coming from all sides in the country at that time under the social situation, especially the central government and the other warlords, both of whom are eyeing Shanxi as a piece of flesh. In this case, in order to maintain the rule of feudal separatism, Yan Xishan had to think of ways to strengthen his power. At that time, under the social conditions of constant war, to make his own strong strength, he must improve his own military force. In a variety of stimulating social environment Yan Xishan came up with the thought of developing arms industry and by self-made arms and ammunition to strengthen his military power. Research on Yan Xishan developing Shanxi arms industry can not only get insight into Yan Xishan policy measures in Shanxi, but also for a profound understanding of modern military industries in Shanxi, Shanxi development and modernization of military transformation in modern China .This paper is divided into the following sections:Introduction is divided into three parts, the first is the situation describing the life of Yan Xishan, the second outlined issues on related research and research results by scholars in recent years, and the third is a brief idea of this study and research methods in the course of the study.The first part outlines the development of modern Chinese arms industry and the emergence of the arms industry in Shanxi.The second part discusses in detail Yan Xishan's support and Shanxi arms industry under the decline and the development process.The third part to the find out the arms industry in Shanxi, product changes, product use, and by detailed analysis to conclude the characteristics of the arms industry in ShanxiThe fourth part is a simple evaluation on Yan Xishan developing Shanxi arms industry, further made a detailed analysis and summary of Yan Xishan's role and impact on the arms industryThe conclusion part is a summary of the full text and summarizes the overall idea and main content.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan Xishan, Arms industry, warlord
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