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The Comparison Of〈Business Speaking Tutorial 〉 And〈Business Chinese Golden Bridge 〉

Posted on:2012-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330362958012Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Business Chinese has developed very rapidly in recent years. Spoken Business Chinese as the main business communicative activity ,is paid more and more attention by foreign learners. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the needs of different learners by the comparison of two spoken business Chinese textbooks and the study of the oral test of business Chinese.The majority of previous studies are about redaction and features of business Chinese textbooks, but there are much to improve in the aspects of teaching methods, teaching principles, teaching ideas and teaching requirements. They did not have a comprehensive grasp of the characteristics of spoken business Chinese. Business Chinese Test has been well studied,but theory circle gives little research into oral achievement test. The majority of previous studies gives much research into the oral test of fundamental Chinese, but gives little research into the oral test of business Chinese. By the comparison of two spoken business Chinese textbooks——〈Business Speaking Tutorial〉and〈Business Chinese Golden Bridge〉,this article will finds out the characteristics of spoken business Chinese and preparation of teaching materials. Then, based on the comparison, studying of the oral test of business Chinese is very important for the normalization and standardization of business Chinese oral achievement test. Firstly, this paper makes the characteristics of spoken business Chinese,the idea of business Chinese,need analysis clear. Besides, the needs of learners,the object of teaching,teaching purposes and the language level of students are quite explicit and concrete.Secondly, by the comparison of two books'forms,source material,teaching theory and methods,teaching objectives and their academic hours, we will have a comprehensive grasp of their characteristics. Thirdly, this paper conducts the contrast of two books'topics,words and phrases, grammar, exercise ,pragmatic and cultural matters. And we will have a comprehensive understanding of those different parts.Finally, on the base of comparison, the oral achievement test of business Chinese is designed and explored based on some language testing theories.
Keywords/Search Tags:business Chinese, topics, vocabulary, grammar, pragmatic and cultural matters, exercise, achievement test
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