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Research On The Sentence Patterns In The Analects

Posted on:2012-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330341950950Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Scholars have done much research in varieties of respects on The Analects since it became the Confucian classics. Especially since the emergence of modern linguistics, The language of The Analects becomes an important research object of linguists. However, many studies tend to words and special sentences. As a result, studies on Morphology and syntax are less and are not systematic. Since the sentence pattern is the most important object in studying syntax, therefore, this article focuses on a systematic studying of the sentence patterns in The Analects . In this paper, The classification of sentence patterns is based on sentence structures, using statistic method and comparison. It aims to do exhaustive statistical classification of sentence patterns in The Analects. And elaborating phenomenon in which some language differ from the sentence and grammatical patterns in modern Chinese.This paper consists of three chapters altogether besides conclusion and Appendix.The first chapter briefly introduces the process of writing The Analects , and the origin and significance of the title, then current studying of sentence patterns on The Analects and existing issues are presented and analyzed. At last, methods and steps in sentence pattern analysis are stated.The second chapter does an exhaustive studying to the structural features of clauses in The Analects, focusing on the Prepositional phrase composed by"yu"(于/於)and"yi"(以), together with a brief Statistics and Analysis of their position in modifying the predicate as adverbial. Prepositional phrase composed by"yu"(于/於), which in this case is a Function word, is always put behind the predicate when they act as adverbial, which is mainly due to the extension of the verb"yu"(于), also known as a verb-object usage. While it's common to see that the one composed by"yi"(以) is used in front of the predicate. This is mainly a continuation of the features of"yi"(以)used as verb, inheriting its meaning and structure of the form. Sometimes, Prepositional phrase composed by"yi"(以) is put behind the predicate, but it tends to be in harmony with the usage phenomenon of the Prepositional phrase as adverbial being put behind. In addition, explanatory Subject-Predicate structural pattern is a special kind of patterns in The Analects. The subject of this pattern is always composed by one or more phrases with S-P structural, omission in structure and semantics is an outstanding feature for this kind of sentence pattern. Elliptical sentences in The Analects are classified and analyzed as well.The third chapter focuses on compounded sentences. it is rare to use conjunctions in compounded sentences in The Analects. However, coherence and logicality can easily be detected between sentences. There are two aspects here: firstly, the system of functional words in archaic Chinese was still not complete. A variety of functional words was on the way of transformation from notional verbs. Therefore, the relationships among many clauses meaning are linked by context. Secondly, The Analects is a classical work recording the discourse and sayings of Confucius, most of which are proposition, demonstration, and criticism. All of them are fully logical, so coherence based on context replaced the use of conjunctions.In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of this paper are referred to. Besides, the assumption of further studies is put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Analects, sentence pattern, studies
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