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Study On The Tibetan Master Podang Chokle Namgyal

Posted on:2012-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338992816Subject:Tibetan history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is about the Tibetan master Podang Chokle Namgyal, the author conducts a preliminary collection the fundamental information about his life and idea.This thesis is comprised of five parts, including the place of Pudang, the master Pudang Chokle Namgyal, Pudong's work, Podang sect and Pudong's four characteristics.1,the first chapter analyzes the place of pudong , the history of Pudang E monastery and introducing several Tibetan masters in this region.2,the second chapter investigates the family history of Pudong and his growing environment. Author also briefly introduces the Pudong's deeds and the origin of his ten names.3,the third chapter introduces Pudong's work, and mainly discusses of《the collection of thatnesses》, its different editions and《the collected works of Pudang》which was collected various monasteries in Tibet. The author evaluates《the collected works of Pudang》from the mount of volumes, content and value.4,the fourth chapter introduces the Pudong sect, its history and idea. Author visited places and collected historical information and oral text to describe the current situation of Pudong monasteries. Moreover, the author analyzes the internal and outside reason the deterioration of Pudong sect . 5,the fifth chapter discusses Pudong's four characteristics, including ambition of study, courage of asking questions, the equal taste of eight worldly concerns and never give up. All of them show Pudong's brilliance life and glamour personality.In order to understand Pudang and his works, first four chapters introduce Pudong and his work, and fifth chapter comprehensively discusses his fundamental idea. The author raises new evaluation of the master Pudong.This thesis still remains a lot of questions; in addition, author could not visit many pudong monasteries for researching on these issues. On this thesis, I didn't introduce the great authentic Pudong linage of Samding Dorjepakmo and Joral Renpoche. I wish I could achieve the goal in the future. Since the research on this sphere still remains in the preliminary, the author's knowledge is weak, and many mistakes will be unavoidable.I wish all teachers would provide with valuable corrections for me.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tibetan masters
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