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To Split The Whole World

Posted on:2012-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today's world is complicated, filled with a variety of conflictingvalues and beliefs, providing a unanalysisable judgment.Contemporary art is also not a uniform standard,May not find a standard to judge.Let us all sorts of works of art dizziness, Mo distinguish good and bad.This allows us to practice these arts in the move towards "the future ",In the resolution "right now", he must first return to the "past",Whom to find that their volunteer activities into the meaning of reference.Therefore, this paper attempts to examine the human spirit simply to split the world from the unification process.And the resulting "modernization"process technology alienation and the plight of universal brotherhood. The breakdown of the spiritual world of forcing us to face the messy personal everyday world,The world trend of the daily life also requested us to re-open and found. Perhaps the arts and arts practitioners in such a predicament is that with the mission to rediscover the life of the individual,Found that the "human world"and the"material world" between the new relationship.Perhaps, art is such an about "life " and questioning attitude.Perhaps "life " is the most important.
Keywords/Search Tags:daily life, micro-narrative, predicament, disintegrate, science and technology, sensibility
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