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Zhu Xi's Interpretation Of Li (礼) With The Nature

Posted on:2012-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338971068Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Confucian culture, especially to " Ritual" with Zhu Xi is a master of Confucian culture, therefore, Zhu Xi " Li " to understand, not only help more in-depth study of Zhu Xi, but also the spirit of Confucianism and the " Ritual" culture understanding of great benefit. In this paper, "courtesy of the" Perspective, in-depth analysis of Zhu Xi Li, the rationale for the relationship between philosophical basis, from the interpretation of Li (礼) with the Nature " as the starting point to explore the Xi on " Li" concept, in order to further highlight the characteristics of Zhu Xi.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part of Zhu Xi explained the two aspects of" interpretation of Li (礼) with the Nature " thought the background, that is, social and historical background and theoretical origins. From this we see that before Zhu's social etiquette are too complicated and difficult to apply to ordinary people of the house, so he considers necessary for the ancient ceremony of his "take apart and wash something," to develop a series of rituals to apply to present.Before the Neo-Confucian Zhu Xi who, on the ceremony, and there have been some reasonable relationship of, but that in addition to a small range of Zhu Xi, other people do not as a "gift" to find the basis for metaphysical level, but not a small way, he the "gift" up to the "Justice" and the same height, were made for specific etiquette ontological proof, Zhu Xi is the idea inherited a small way, and further in-depth.In the second part of the discussion is Zhu Xi, "Li explained with Nature" thought, especially Confucianism Thought of Zhu Xi's philosophical foundation problems. Zhu Xi, where the "truth" is all-encompassing philosophy of body, and through the "gas" and with specific liturgical norms of communication, ritual, science between the two is the "management of a sub-special" relationship. Further more, Zhu Xi "ritual is the inherent virtue of human nature", therefore, ritual studies in the areas of human nature also has philosophical foundation. Finally, the "gift" also has its own inherent requirements, from the essential provisions that, "Man" originated in the ancient ritual of specific, Zhu said that "Abraham who, justice of the verses, while the personnel of the instrument." From the functional point of view based on "ceremony" is mainly provided for people to regulate everyday behavior, but also to enhance the effort of self-cultivation guidance.The third part is mainly Xi " interpretation of Li (礼) with the Nature " to start thinking, is divided into six sections, is the focus of the article. Section I mainly use "reason" to explain the "courtesy", Zhu pointed out that the "Li is Li", the ritual of the "gift" and the heaven of the "truth" to compare and grasp, but it also does not this put Zhu Xi Li, reasonable to equate the two. Section Main Description "ceremony" that is, that "heaven of verses" for the Dialectic of the "gift" to find the existence of "Justice" reasonable proof. Meanwhile, the "gift" is "personnel of the instrument is," Zhu Xi the "gift" has scattered to the earth, focusing on the "ceremony" by the world tendencies. Section III mainly from the perspective of human nature "ceremony." Mencius, Zhu Xi has been inherited from the benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom are seen as the inherent nature of the view that "Wisdom, is also", and by "love" to explain the nature of man behind the evil, pure and sources. Section IV focuses on the Ren and Li in the two relations. Zhu Xi's view that "sex" package "Wisdom" four virtues, and "benevolence" in the command position in which, the "four virtues of benevolence package", Zhu further noted that" Ren and Li is the second non-objects", "Ren and Li one "issue. Section V discusses the Zhu Xi " Kejifuli for Humanity" point of view. Zhu Xi that "self" that is "selfish desires" and "courtesy" to "justice", so to "self-denial" to "re-gift" and the two are the same work, can not be separated. Finally, Zhu Xi that "Misinterpretation" can, after "Benevolence" and thus completed the heaven of the cycle, the supreme of the "benevolence" of the realm. SectionⅥdiscusses the gift in the course of practice specific problems that need attention. Xi Li to respect that practice-oriented, but must meet specific etiquette to be guided, therefore, practice courtesy and respect between the two are mutually cross-holding adoption. The fourth part of the article is primarily concerned with Zhu Xi, interpretation of Li (礼) with the Nature " Thoughts role. Includes two aspects, reinforce ethics, strengthen the rule of feudal, absolutist moral and ethical as a theoretical support. Second, the gift of Zhu Xi to achieve a goal of "ceremony under the common people," especially in the Huizhou region of southern Fujian and the most prominent.Finally, a summary of the article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhu Xi, Nature, Li (礼), Human nature, Ren, Respect
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