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The Interpretation On "Li(礼)"of Zhu Xi

Posted on:2010-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G D YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275491348Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhu Xi is the master of Neo-Confucianism,and also is the master of Confucianism. Confucianism is characterized by "Li" Culture,and it is very famous in the world. With that of Zhu Xi the study of "Li",we will not only help-depth study of Zhu Xi, but also contribute to an understanding of the purpose of Confucianism and the true spirit of "Li".In this paper,the author explores the Li of the concept of Zhu Xi from the "Fundamentality of Li" point of view.The body of this article,divided into five main areas to explore Zhu Xi on Li of the concept of views.In the first part,mainly to explore the "Li,the nature of the text section,personnel of the instrument is" the interpretation.We can see that the importance of Zhu Xi on the one hand,"Li" in the metaphysical dimension of the basis,on the other hand he stressed that "Li" as the importance of external norms.In the second part,Zhu Xi will be focused on "Li" as "people's inner virtue".In the third part focused on the "Li" and "Ren(仁) " of the relationship.Zhu Xi believes that "Li" included in the "Ren","Li and "Ren" both come from "Tian Li(天理)".The fourth part,focused on the "Li" and "Si Yu(私欲)" relationship.Zhu Xi believes that etiquette is not in line with the desires,in addition to selfish desire,it will be in line with the protocol.Part V,the main ceremony of the basic principles of practice.Zhu Xi believes that practice should be maintained at a ceremony in awe of the heart.All in all,in the face of it,Zhu Xi on "Li" of the various views,basically said that our predecessors,as if nothing new.However,the succession of his predecessors and carry forward the concept of time,it should be said well-intentioned,it is well to consider,a good interpretation of the Confucian "Li" culture.Zhu Xi of this approach, for the people who are interested in the transmission of traditional culture,there should be a considerable draw on the role of meaning and inspiration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li, Nature, human nature, Ren, respect
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