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The Trimming And Research On The Credit Reporting Record Of Xian Tunxi Republic Relief Bureau

Posted on:2012-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338968240Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through punctuating and trimming the credit reporting record of Xinan Tunxi republic relief bureau of Guangxu 15,16,17,27 years and Minguo 13 years, the paper analyzes the important position of Tunxi in Huizhou comercial development, clarifies the process of XinanTunxi republic relief bureau from the establishment and development to continuous improvement and explores the interaction between official and business people in the specific operation of the process.The credit reporting record of XinanTunxi republic relief bureau produced in Guangxu 15,16,17,27 years and Minguo 13 year. The credit reporting of the former three years documented the origin of founding Tunxi republic relief bureau by fourteen tea merchants, the initial charities like "giving medicine" and "giving coffins", rules and tea numbers and individual donation includes opening, submition, notice, rules, numbers of donation, division and so on. It added the reporting of tea merchants asking government for aid and the reporting of wood merchants initiating donation. Furthermore, because of adding "feeding babies" and "keeping ills", the republic relief bureau had to add some lands and houses, thus some rules, estate, land, field relating to "feeding babies" and "keeping ills" came into being.Through researching these credit reporting records, we find the republic relief bureau was the result of Huizhou business and Tunxi town developing. Since Ming and Qing Dynasty, the commodity economy developed quickly. The business became the important source in the country. Tunxi was the essence of Huizhou, the transportation of Tunxi was very convenient. Tunxi was usually the material distribution center of mountain area in the south of Anhui. Tunxi was very impotant in Huizhou comercial structure, making it the place of tea merchants and outside people gathering together, which leaded to the contradict between business development and social safeguard and the republic relief bureau was found.Initially Tunxi republic relief bureau only gave medince and coffins to employees in Tunxi; In Guangxu eighteen years, it was added "feeding babies" and "keeping sick people", and carried out some free "inoculations". As the charity continued to expand, the demand for funds was increasing.The first sources of funding were from tea merchants, then the official aid added. In Guangxu twenty-three years, the wood merchants also contributed. Till Minguo, thanks to the tea merchants effort, in spite of being short of money because of the change of state, the funds ensure its nomal operation. During the process,due to the position of Tunxi in Huizhou and the intimate relationship between fourteen founders and officials, making Tunxi republic relief bureau change into an area organization from a community organization and exceed the charity range.
Keywords/Search Tags:the credit reporting record of Xinan Tunxi republic relief bureau, trimming, research, charitable organization, social economy
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