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The Research Of The Women's Clothing In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2012-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F WangFull Text:PDF
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Qing dynasty is one of the multi-ethnic fusion dynasty dominated by Manchu aristocrats. It is also the beginning of open doors of china towards the world. From the establishment, through the development and until the decay of Qing dynasty (AD 1644-1911), its political system, economic level, ideology and concepts had directly or indirectly affected the shape and artistic characteristics of women's apparel. In the early stage of Qing dynasty, Manchu rulers forced Han nationality to change their ethnic clothing in their clothing policy, on the other hand it carried out "10 conversions and 10 non-conversions " compromising policy. This resulted in the concurrent existence of Han and Qing dress patterns in women's clothing. With the strengthening of national fusion, women's dress showed the harmony between Han and Manchu dress culture in the middle of Qing dynasty. As to the skills of women dresses, the development of textile and floss industry laid a solid material foundation for also for exquisite luxuriant, over elaborate of women's dress.Dress is a carrier of culture. In Qing dynasty, the women's apparel vividly embodied social ideology:First, senses of hierarchy of feudal ideology and Secondly, the pursuit of extravagant aesthetic. The continued development of the capitalist germination in Qing dynasty caused the migration of values of the society from simple to luxury. At the same time, European rococo style dominating western culture started to influence people's aesthetic taste, fine, over elaborate, luxuriant fashion in apparel was highly canonized. And thirdly, the cultivation of a fresh air of civilization could also be noticed. With social upheaval in late Qing dynasty, China walked toward the world in domestic trouble and foreign invasion, learning advanced western culture actively. Women's dress changed with time accordingly, showing a fresh air of civilization. Women's dress of Qing dynasty not only embodies the great creation of material culture in ancient China, but also combines Chinese traditional philosophy and aesthetics of deep connotation. It also contains a profound national aesthetic psychological accumulation. This can be seen in the decorative arts, totem culture and the view of nature. The multi-level aesthetic tastes in national culture in China are the essence of traditional classical costumes art.The development of women's clothing in Qing dynasty are mainly reflected in bow shoes fading out the stage of history as well as delicate deduce of the cheongsam. From the song dynasty to Qing dynasty, foot binding culture is feudalism's harm to women's physical and mental. Its vanishment with the times is doomed as a law of history. This also is the essence of the death of bow shoes. Cheongsam becomes more humanity, elegant, influenced by the western culture and gradually become Oriental female's unique charm of the national costume.The author mainly studied the women dress art culture of Qing dynasty using the historical description method and image study method, trying to reveal the underlying cultural connotation by describing the art surface morphology. Significance of the vernacular research, academic status and research methods are analyzed in the introduction part. The first chapter discusses mainly the social background of the development of women's clothing in Qing dynasty. The second chapter and the third chapter describe the women's apparel shape and artistic characteristics in Qing dynasty in detail. The fourth chapter describes the influence of China's traditional aesthetic psychology on women's dress in Qing dynasty. The fifth chapter describes changes of women's dress of Qing dynasty in the historical trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing dynasty, Women's clothing, Artistic characteristics, Aesthetic psychology
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