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Mobile Maternal AIDS Management Exploration

Posted on:2013-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2214330374959867Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By the end of September2011, China has reported a total of429,000cases of HIV infection and the patients, of which164,000cases of patients and86,000cases of death. With the AIDS epidemic in China further expanding, the adverse effects causes enormous distress to the community, so AIDS prevention and control situation is becoming more and more severe. Kunming, as the capital of Yunnan Province, maternal HIV detection rate also showed an increasing trend. From2005to2009, maternal HIV detection rates were0.075%,0.09%,0.08%,0.1%,0.22%. Prevention of mother to child transmission of AIDS is an important part of AIDS prevention work. Therefore, how to better carry out the work of the prevention of mother to child transmission of AIDS becomes another challenge for AIDS prevention. At first, I take empirical investigation into the mobile maternal for Kunming mobile maternal AIDS management research. Through interviews and questionnaires to understand their lives, as well as the level of understanding of AIDS, and go to the relevant departments and agencies to investigate and survey the implementation of the policy of AIDS prevention and control, so the government can understand the actual situation and formulate policies with a realistic basis. Secondly, using theoretical tools to study the problems encountered in the mobile maternal AIDS management process and the solution, explore the management experience of Kunming maternal HIV prenatal screening and positive maternal. I put forward countermeasure and suggestion from the following several aspects:the national policies, the role of government, the role of the NGO, the concept of social work intervention, propaganda and information exchange, management of maternal HIV infection.There has been so much research on AIDS, but there are still a small number of studies from this point of view of the floating population in maternal. Therefore, exploring this special group of AIDS management mechanism of the mobile maternal will be a breakthrough. At the same time make recommendations for the improvement of the government AIDS prevention work, and provide useful experience for other regions for maternal AIDS prevention and promotion of the management model.
Keywords/Search Tags:floating population, maternal, AIDS, management mechanism
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