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"Medical Separation" Analysis Of The "High Medical Charges"

Posted on:2012-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2214330371953296Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"high medical charges " has been the hot issues of social concern, Premier Wen Jiabao have repeatedly stressed that it needs to establish and improve the security of essential drugs supply system, to strengthen drug regulation to ensure drug safety, and effectively reduce drug prices, to ensure people's basic rights and the protection of life, health and development rights. Since the mid-1980s, China's health care costs, especially the rapid growth of drug prices, therefore many people out of the coverage, which could not afford medicine, not only health can not be guaranteed, but also led to many social problems. As people continue to pay more attentions on their own rights and interests, "High medical charges" problem should be solved.This paper is focus on "medical separation", to solve the "high medical charges" path to explore the issue, drawing on domestic success stories, put forward their own ideas. Chapter one Introduction, introduces the topics of the background, significance and research status, and point out the innovation of this paper and shortage. Chapter two describes the current situation of China's health care system, including medical and health care system reform and development process of existing problems, the health care system has major problems exist between the level of health irrational allocation of resources, rural health service quality, medical costs too high, too heavy economic burden of patients, etc., the concentrated expression of the people are facing problems, "high medical charges" phenomenon, and pointed out that problems arise, mainly due to the current "drug dependent doctors" system.Base on this, the third chapter mainly on the "high medical charges" to analyze the causes of the problem, it is quite complicated, in this chapter I will analysis how drug prices form, the relationship between medicine and the relationship between the main three areas of governmental responsibilities, which will be involved in a relationship of the main pharmaceutical summarized as pharmaceutical companies, distributors, hospitals, doctors and patients, pharmaceutical companies produce drugs by agents from the circulation to the hospital, the doctors prescribe, will eventually pass on all costs to consumers, in the process, each stakeholder profit, forming a high drug prices, the high burden borne by consumers. Government in the process of drug distribution role played by lack, but also make the "high medical charges" is a major cause of problems..Chapter four introduces some other cities in China, how to attempt and practice the "medical separation". As the "medical separation" from a certain extent this approach can solve the "high medical charges" problem, so many cities for a pilot, and because of different situation, the approach taken are different. This chapter select two cities,Wuhan and Nanjing, to analysis the pilot profiles, results and stakeholders, including Wuhan, community health service center for the practice of "medical separation" management, Nanjing, pharmacy practice was commissioned by the management of medical institutions.Chapter five "medical separation" of the path of exploration for "high medical charges" problem, from the "medical separation" in perspective, and propose ideas and methods, the main approach to cut off the illicit relationship in medical relationships, and promote the main mutual restraint, regulate pharmaceuticals production and circulation process, strengthen management of drug prices, the government should step up reform measures to improve the "drug dependent doctors," the status.This innovation of this text is based on our real existence of the "high medical charges", through the analysis of the change price of drugs in circulation, get the reason of the expensive drugs, further analysis of drug prices, I found out the problem. Combined with the successful pilot cases of "high medical charges "which made their to the "high medical charges" solution ideas for the government to solve "high medical charges" to make their own proposals, this is the innovation of this text. The disadvantage is that due to lacking of relevant data, this is only theory and research on issues related to research and analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:high medical charges, medical separation, drug dependent doctors
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