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Lepidopterous-pest Composition In Tea Gardens Of Hunan And Bank Of Specimen Information

Posted on:2012-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H C ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2213330338951728Subject:Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to make sure the occurrence of lepidoterous-pest species with tea as host plant in Hunan, Supported by a grant from national science and technology ministry, the study was conducted both based on previous related works and field investigations comprehensively and systematically in fifteen tea fields (Nanling and Guidong, Chenzhou; Changchun,Chang'an,Nongda and Gaoqiao, Changsha; Yunfeng, Zhuzhou; Nanyue, Hengyang; Dongshanfeng and Wudaoshui, Changde; Guanzhuang and Hongxing, Huaihua) with differecnt management practices in Hunan from August, 2008 to Apirl,2011. The results showed that:(1) there are as many as 161 species Lepidopterous pests in tea garden from 25 families in Hunan, tussock moth, slug moth and geometrid moth are the three major groups of pests, about 31,29 and 21 species respectively. Ectropis obliqua, Euproctis pseudoconspersa and Clania minuscula are the three major pests that cause heavy losses to tea growers. (2) Striglina suzukii Matsumura, Garaeus subsparsus, Hyposidra aquilaria, Trypanophora semihyalina and Mesophalera sigmata as pests of tea in China; and Andraca theae was newly recorded in Hunan. (3) According to our investigations, the highest species richness index and the Shannon-Wiener index were found on June to July and September to October, wherease the lowest were found on August. Based on the results of investigation on May and September in 2010, the community structures of lepidoptera-pest in eight tea plantations with different management practices and surroundings were studied usinig principal component analysis and Fuzzy cluster analysis. It showed that had the higher of the species richness index, community diversity index and community evenness index reduced from tea fields in Wuyunjie Nature Reserve with higher altitude, abundant vegetation around and no chemical sprays, via tea fields with ecological management Nongda tea plantation), organical management (Gaoqiao tea plantation), free pollution control (Nangling and Changchun tea plantations), to tea field of chemical control and chemical fertilizers were being used (Chang An tea plantation). Therefore, management practices and surroundings may probably are the main factors on the community structure of lepidotera-pest in tea plantation. (4) The bank of specimen information was established initially with fourty lepidoterous-pest species information were uploaded.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tea pests, Newly recorded pest, Different surroundings and management, pecimen information bank, lepidotera, Hunan
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