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Puyang City Green Design Exploration And Research

Posted on:2013-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330374960370Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Design in a certain sense is a creative process, the so-called" set", is set planning means, the so-called"meter" strategies, planning. City greening design is the use of landscape art and engineering technology,through the transformation of the terrain, planting trees, flowers and other ways to create beautifulenvironment in the process, modern green design is to design a scientific and reasonable applied to moderncity landscape greening construction, improving the environment for human survival quality, meet people'saesthetic needs, the better solution. And the relationship between the environment, for people to create agreen and healthy living space. In order to promote the city 's healthy development, improve the livingenvironment, maintaining the ecological balance and to resolve the contradiction between the developmentof city modernization, designers continue to explore how the high density residential environment in fulland reasonable utilization of green space, improving greening structure. In recent years many emerginggreen design concept is widely used in city greening, such as ecological design, humanized design concept,characteristics of the design ideas, new century, new period, new methods, new means to create ecological,economical, plant landscape city green space presents a broad prospect, this will become the future of citygreening development trend. Puyang city is a typical small and medium-sized city, in the city green spacedesign also exist many problems, according to the Puyang city regional environment, economic condition,layout and historical conditions and other factors, other city greening in the construction of advancedexperience and design method, exploration gives" Puyang mode" afforest design patterns, for city residentsto create a clean, elegant, comfortable working and living environment is the key point of this research lies.In this paper, through the literature research and field investigation methods, respectively from thelandscaping, greening of city square, road greening and on behalf of the Puyang municipal greeningcharacteristics and other aspects, choose Desheng Park, water park, and the square, in the Central PlainsRoad, the Yellow River Road, State Road as investigation object, diversity survey, on Puyang city urbangreening situation summarizing and combing, emphatically introduces all kinds of green space design ofPuyang City, and put forward their own on Puyang city urban greening design ideas and layout, the hopecan explore ecological, economical Puyang afforest design patterns provide available information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green, design, environment, ecology
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