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Research On Construction Of Two-Oriented City Of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration By Taoist Perspective

Posted on:2012-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern times, with the social productive forces and the rapid development of science and technology, human transformation and the disposable nature, the ability to obtain information on material life enhanced and rapid growth of material wealth, people's living conditions greatly improved, but at the same time, the natural environment and ecological systems in which the human lived have been severely damaged. Air pollution, water pollution, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, desertification, species extinction, population explosion, and many other issues threatening the safety of the ecological environment increasingly serious, humanity is facing a serious risk of losing their home .The so-called "solution-maker people ", since human is the maker of ecological crisis, and only human beings can really solve the ecological environment. To solve this problem, in addition to closely rely on the high-tech achievements of modern civilization, the more important to establish a modern ecological philosophy, ecological civilization values, reshape and enhance the ecological environmental awareness of all mankind, reconstruction Interaction,joint development of harmonious relations between man and nature, man and man, man and city, and take the road to sustainable development. Taoist view of nature in Ancient China has the most rich and deep ecology philosophy, ancient and modern scholars has always been revered. Therefore, mining and promoting the philosophy of Taoism can build modern ecological philosophy, to provide guidance and theoretical support philosophy for building a resource-saving and environment-friendly cities (two- riented city). This dissertation is written on the basis of the two research projects, one is the major sub-topics commissioned by Hunan Provincial Government in 2008, and the other, a Funding issues of graduate research projects in school of research on two-oriented society of Hunan University (LXZY200829): "Research on urban residential community background of two-oriented society " . It is completed with the help of my research on two-oriented society and Taoist view of nature , the literature review and field investigation of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration, and lots of basic data gained from school of research on two-oriented society of Hunan University.The overall research idea of this paper is to dig and carry forward through the philosophy of Taoism, By means of analyzing the origin and development of environmental problems occurred at home and abroad, and researching the theory of sustainable development and the practice of urban sustainable development, this paper further explores the content and significance of making Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration a resource-saving and environment-friendly city. Taking the strategy of sustainable development in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration and the trends towards a resource-saving and environment-friendly society into consideration, this paper provides an overall analysis of the conditions and opportunities for making Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration a two-oriented city, and an overall evaluation of the problems and challenges that we are facing at present.To facilitate guiding, tracing and assessing the progress of making Changsha- Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration a two-oriented city, according to domestic and foreign experience, an operative system of criteria, which conforms to the conditions in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration and to the international concepts, is put forth here. Also, illustrated evaluation adopted only in small areas in other countries is used here in tracing assessment of urban indicators. Guided by such a system of criteria, this paper systematically analyzes the actual situation in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration and proposes the top-rated fields of work, the major objectives and specific projects to furnish a basis for the government to make decisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taoist Perspective, Two-oriented City, Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration, Research on Construction
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