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Analysis On The Planning And Designing Of The Heterotopia Space Of The 'Disadvantages' In America

Posted on:2013-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330362461208Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is until the 1960s that plenty of foreign countries began to develop their ?community development projects?, which gave birth to the ?community planning?, and it has been part of the discipline of Urban Planning ever since. Meanwhile, the public participation in urban planning was then officially established as an academic proposition. Therefore, different sectors of the society have been led to continual concentration, research and practice on the subject of ?public participation in community planning?. It seems that these two words were attached to different disciplines, while as a matter of fact, they complement each other, merge into each other and can hardly be separated from each other. Following the notion of Michel Foucault and Henri Lefebvre on the Production of Space, the space of the city is noted as a representation of SuperiorityofStrength carried among varieties of interests roles. As for the government, the public and other roles, at this moment, what kind of transformation is on the way, being the essence of the evolution of the community space production, in which the people in the community also takes a part? While the original Up Down power pyramid is collapsing, and the social structure has been turning into juxtaposed and contested diversification, how should we designers face the alternation of the characters?As for now, all sorts of self-organized community planning action are undertaken vigorously by different NFO, NGO, in the leading countries on the aspects of the public participation both theoretically and practically, such as America. And this is precisely one big pointcut of this paper. Based upon the development of the public participation pattern, this paper takes the evolution and differentiation of the public participation in urban planning of America as a frame of reference, compared with which we want to research on and discover the innate problem of present domestic public participation in community planning and the distance lied between, meanwhile analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we are going to vision the feasible public participation practiced in the future, in the light of the informatization of the age. This paper discuss and analyse the points mentioned before in five parts followed. The first part-introduction mainly focuses on the reason for this research and the frame of this research.The second part-theory issue mainly focuses on the theory based on the public participation in urban planning during the 20th century in and abroad. Firstly, this part gives a basic definition to the ?Public Participation? in a point of view of the conception, value and the social power space. Secondly, in two different category, this part sorts those important theory on the public participation in urban planning according to historical progress.The third part-statement on practicing focuses on the development and transformation of public participation in urban planning and community planning in the 20th America. Referencing the philosophical concept-?Heter-organization? and ?Self-organization?, this part discusses the two types-traditional up-down participation pattern and the communicative down-up pattern, and then summarize their experience, combing several cases.The fourth part-statement and analysis on the domestic participation status quo, citing the practice of participation in America and Hong Kong, proclaim the inside mechanism factor for the temporary backwardness of the domestic public participation at the urban and community levels.The fifth part-complement and summary stresses the assignable technical force as an external cause for the growth of the communicative participation pattern, besides the internal cause of the social power mechanism, as the No.1 productive force extraordinarily promote the evolution of relations of production. Finally summarizing all the standpoints above, this part ends on ?humanizing the density?, keeping counting on improve the public participation in community and urban planning ulteriorly, through researching on lessons and experience and transforming the role of designers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heterogeneous, Public Participation, Power, Community Planning
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