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Research Of Liaoning University Of Pet Roleum And Chemical Eco-campus Construction

Posted on:2012-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330362454206Subject:Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Follow ing t he development of t he internat iona l communit y environment protect ion, under the background of susta inable deve lopment, ecology has become the focus of society. Univers it ies are the origin of the culture spread ing. The changes in the univers it ies directly reflect the changes of the times. Eco- campus has become the ideal objective o f the domest ic and foreign univer s it ies when t hey build the campuses. This paper proposes the concept, content and characterist ics of eco- camp us. According to the status o f the eco- camp us and the future development trend, on the basis of wide ly referring to the domest ic and foreign univer sit y campuses building a nd the campuses comprehe nsive eva luat ion, deeply research the eco- camp us constructio n mode of Liaoning U niversit y of Petroleum a nd Chemical from the view of ecology.At the same time adhering to the princip le of overall optimizatio n, coordinat ion and symb iosis, high effic iency, appropriate ly develop, ecologica l balance, protecting d ivers ity and region different iatio n, proposing the ecologica l education manage ment standards, introducing ISO14000 environme ntal ma nage ment syste m, deve loping eco-campus construct ion mana geme nt pla n. Detail describ ing t he ma in contents of the plan, and discuss ing t he specific methods of imp leme ntatio n, providing the specific operation technique of eco-campus building. Avoid the no n- rationa l t hink ing in t he construct ion of domest ic and foreign campus. Build a scie nt ific and rationa l eco- campus, which have the characters and advantage of Liaoning Universit y of Petrole um and Chemical.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eco-campus, ISO14000, Eco-campus construction
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