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Comparative Study On The City Gates Between Beizhili Province In The Ming Dynasty And Korea In The Joseon Dynasty

Posted on:2011-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y PuFull Text:PDF
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My Thesis is about the study on the city gates in the cities of Beizhili, belonged to Fuzhouxian, one of the administrative districts in the Ming dynasty, together with comparative study of the city gates between the cities in the Ming dynasty and South Korea in the Joseon dynasty. I mostly focused on how topographical environment and city scale affected the structural form and size of a city gate. Besides, based on the historical records and other relevant materials relating a city planning, city gate, and its subsidiary structures, I surveyed the architectural structure of a city gate.Since the land of China is very big and there are many cities spread all over the country, it took a quite long time for me to reach to the conclusion of the study.Beizhili was the one of the political centers in China, and put great importance on conventionalized principles when a city was built. Probably, it might have been caused that many other places in China also took the model of Beizhili in the construction of a city. In that context, this study will provide future researchers with a broader perspective on the same issue with other places in China.Korea in the Josen dynasty, unlike China, had much less cities, but I still divided them into a few categories in the basis of their scale and geographical conditions, and did further study on the stylistic features of city gates in a different category.The number of city gate in a Korean city has significant difference with that of a Chinese city, but it is common that they both get affected by the scale of a city, for example, the smaller a city became, the smaller a city gate was. In addition, the natural environment, which surrounded the city gates both in China and Korea, were used to strength its power of defense.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beizhili in the Ming dynasty, FuZhouXian, city gate of korea
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