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Research On Stability Of Aggregate Operation In Fabric Slot For Asphalt Paver

Posted on:2012-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Z ShaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330338474355Subject:Mechanical design and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of highway construction bring up increasingly high demands on the construction quality and performance of the asphalt pavement, but the early failure of the highway has seriously affected the quality of asphalt pavement, and caused huge losses to the state. Asphalt mixture segregation is the main reason for bating the performance of asphalt road caused by uneven road paving, and so the movement of the aggregates in the fabric of the state has become the uniform of the importance research.Based on the current theoretical analysis of the motion state we can get that asphalt mixture has the flow characteristic, and it will move both to the two ends of the axial, but also to follow the helical axis rotation. From the results of the theoretical analysis, we could use the three-dimensional modeling software-solidworks to make the geometric model what we need, and mesh it. Using the knowledge of fluid mechanics theories and the tool of Fluent, it gets the flow field distribution of the gas. according to that, the article also does motion the movement simulation of the asphalt mixture in the tank.This paper studies the state of motion of the asphalt mixture with different viscosity and speed, so as to get the relationship between the speed of distributor and viscosity. Using the post-processing software such as TECPLOT,ORIGIN deal with the results of data necessarily to make the conclusions more clearly. The analysis results from the fluid dynamics software provides a very good direction and means. By using this data engineers can design more optimizing distributor so as to solve the segregation of asphalt mixtures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Asphalt mixture, Separation, Uniformity, Fluid mechanics, Data processing
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