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Ecological Security Perspective The Lancang Dams Construction Of China's National Security

Posted on:2012-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330338455746Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lancang River is an important channel for linking China and Indochina countries, With the advancement in dam construction process of the Lancang River in China, rising debate over Lancang River dams. United Nations Environment Programme and the Asian Institute of the Asian Institute of Technology, a report warned that China eight cascade of dams being built in the upper Mekong plans could pose a considerable threat to River and its natural resources. United States War College, National Defense University Professor Otter, construction of a dam in South - western areas of China known as is a means to control downstream in Southeast Asian countries. October 2009, the provinces of Southwest China and Indochina countries suffering from very rare drought, foreign media and non - governmental organizations have blamed the Mekong reduced due to the construction of a dam in the Lancang River in China. Dam construction has become a focus of concern to the international community of the Lancang River, between China and the Mekong Basin countries become a political issue.Paper first chapter from the theoretical elaboration of national security, non hierarchical relationships between the traditional national security and ecological security. Purpose is to seek the ecological safety and dam construction in eco environmental problems of the theoretical relationship between, for chapter II analysis of the problem, propose theories foreshadowing of countermeasures in chapter III. Chapterâ…¡of the paper to dam construction based on general issues, dam construction resulting immigration, river sediment, biological diversity, pollution, runoff, and there is a problem of geological disasters, explain the Lancang River dam construction for China's national security. Finally, I made based on domestic - related problem - solving strategies and ideas.The thesis that in international and domestic environmental protection organization under the dual pressure of public opinion, China's dams to maximize the benefits of the Lancang River, will minimize the negative impact of the dam construction. Protection in Lancang River hydropower development in China national interest to be achieved and maintained in the process of China's national security, needs to be strengthened within the basin ecological environment, and raise the level of planning and design of dams, the experience of other international river development and management experience, exploring appropriate to the national interests of countries in basin development model of dam construction, dam construction technology and experience of other countries for reference, improving building dam technology. To Lancang River basin existing of cooperation management mechanism for Foundation, strengthening and downstream States of Exchange and cooperation, constantly promoting good of " trust, and mutually beneficial and friendly " cooperation, established basin research information shared platform, strengthening domestic research results translation and publicity, let more of abroad people and media correct awareness China in Lancang River construction dam produced of positive effect, for China in Lancang River for dam construction build good of international environment platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lantsang river, dam, china's National Security, ecological security
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