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Design, Modern Tea Zen Mood

Posted on:2013-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2211330371960406Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tea has always been a necessity in people's lives. Drinking tea can not only provide good health, a way of social intercourse but also space of mind pursuit. This paper seizes the similarity of tea and Zen which means the pursuit of spiritual space, puts Zen Yijing into modern tea set design for people's spiritual needs and guides a healthy, comfortable and elegant life.This paper mainly includes four parts:The first part discusses the definition of Zen, Yijing, Zen Yijing and modern tea set to make sure the content of this research and provides the whole thesis'theoretical groundwork. The second part interprets designs with Zen Yijing to sum up the characteristics and similarity and provide important data for the following parts. The third part discusses two ways of making Zen Yijing in modern tea set design, one is by Zen thinking mode and the other is by external characteristics. Finally the author makes specific design practice by using summed methods and evaluates after the end of the practice.In recent years, international companies have been consciously or unconsciously put Zen-themed products into market and has made certain degree of success, but how will the traditional Buddhist culture to be organically used into tea industry and form a tradition, this paper provides a solving way and provides a design thinking mode for the innovation and development in the mainland tea industry by using Zen Yijing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern Tea Set, Zen, Zen Yijing, Design
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