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Us Technology Company Development Strategy And Planning

Posted on:2008-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G P ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360212487483Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This text makes a feasibility study and strategic planning regarding how to build up the core competitiveness of Beijing Meiquan S & T Development Co.Ltd.and how to expand the product scale of relatively limited special manufacturing industry.The text first of all makes a brief introduction and analysis of the characteristics of the trade the company specializes in,courses of evolvement and problems and challenges encountered.Then the text analyzes the intemal and external environment that affect the development of the company,the impact the transform of the trade will have on the future development of the company and formulates the goal and plan of the development for the coming 3-5 years. By analyzing the bottleneck restricting the development of the company,the text has found out the solution----to build a factory and manufacture by the company itself instead of farming out the production to other plants.To fulfill the large-scale production,the company has to make the adjustment of the strategy.To seize the market opportunity is the lireline of the company.Through the brief introduction of market competition strategic theory and factors affecting the selection of the company's market strategies,the text makes analysis and formulates the company's strategy for market competition,i.e.,the differentiated strategy for the centralized goal.The text finally points out that the implementation and control of the strategy lie in: 1. Establishment and perfection of a highly effective organization;2.Establishment and perfection of a dynamic Incentive mechanism; 3.To perfect quality guarantee system;4.To strengthen the construction of a team of various talented personnel;and 5.To cultivate corporate culture adaptable to the strategy.The core viewpoint of this text is to make analysis of various links from marketing to design,to processing,and finally to service under the company's existing operating mode,and make strategic adaptation in combination with the characteristics of the trade and the trend of the future development of the trade.The product marketing strategy is"differentiated strategy of concentrated goal;"the product design strategy is"follow-after strategy";the product processing strategy is"strategy of processing by the company itself;"and the strategy of service is"strategy of customer oriented excellent service."The research method in this text is mainly the theory and method for the progressive increase of marginal revenue.Through his understanding ,summary of experience and rational analysis of the special processing industry,the author thinks:the large-scale operation by the company is feasible,which is also the key to the company's core competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beijing Meiquan S & T Development Co.Ltd., strategy and planning
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