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Study Of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises In The Technology Development Path

Posted on:2007-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360182981626Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is facing an unprecedented strategic opportunity;a large number of tides foreconomic and social revolution is on the way. According to a report from WB, China maybecome the second largest import and export country in the world. The total purchasingpower may transcend the EU;as a supplier and user, China can compete against with mostindustrialized countries in the global finance market. As is proven by global economyhistory, manufacturing is the backbone and impetus for a country's economic sustainabledevelopment. At present, China is in the middle stage of industrialization, in whichmanufacturing plays a key role of GDP development. From aspects of the socialdevelopment, manufacturing will maintain to be the impetus of the nation's economyduring the first half century at least.On the basis of such background, this paper explained the purpose and influence ofChinese manufacturing technology development path, defining technology competencyand technology innovation ability. Through going back to previous technology innovationtheory , the theory about advantageous competitiveness of MNCs in developing countriesas well as path-dependency theory ,the paper first analyses present situation and thereasons of Chinese manufacturing development and the foresee the future developmenttendency. Based on theories and practices, I have an investigation of decisional factors ofenterprises technology development path, and in-depth study of the technology acquiringpath, non-core technology improvement path, core technology improvement path andtechnology surpass path for different development stages. Moreover, other paths toimprove industry technology are also under discussion. And finally, I put forwardsuggestions and conclusions as follows:I. Manufacturing enterprises have more than one choice for their technologydevelopment path. As company is concerned, it is necessary to analysize both external andinternal technology environment to find out the most suitable development path. Firstly,the external factors include the following seven factors: international competitiveenvironment, accessibility of foreign technology, degree of industrialization, average GDP,concerns about the military, pressure from population on the environment and theinternational technology policy etc. While the internal development elements are generallydecided by the two: technology innovation ability and technology ability. The second oneis the basis of the first one and the first one is the reflection of the second one. Technologyinnovation is expected only if the technology ability has accumulated to certain degree.Thus, technology ability is a core element for choosing the technology development path.The diversity of development path has given Chinese enterprises various choices takingtheir own features into account.II. Digestion & absorption are of great importance during the implementation oftechnology development path. Since manufacturing is multi-transferring to the developingcountries, china ought to take advantage of this opportunity, strengthening the technologyincrement, upgrading the digestion and absorption ability on the basis. No matter whetherit is technology improvement strategy or technology overtaking strategy, necessarytechnology ability is the basic foundation. We can conclude from the developing countriesexperiences that to enhance enterprises technology ability can't work without governmentnurture, yet the original impetus lies in the company itself. Firstly, enterprises must digest,absorb and innovate on purpose, add input to the technology improvement through variouschannels to fund money willingly. Secondly, it is necessary to take various methods toabsorb technology flexibly, such as reverse-engineering, OEM and joint ventures etc.Finally, enterprises need to focus their advantageous resources on fostering the corecompetency.III. During the benchmarking process of raising Chinese manufacturing technologyability, we need to emphasis more on our own competency accumulation, refraining frombeing trapped in the technology improvement gin. Those chasing companies are supposedto pay more attention to strengthening the technology monitoring ability, especially toinspect whether the technology has been in the stage of modification so as to avoid theinvestment trap.
Keywords/Search Tags:Manufacturing industry, Technology competency, Path
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