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Virtual Enterprise Risk Management Study

Posted on:2007-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F T DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360182970984Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
21st century, with the rising competition over the market, the lifecycle of the product is more and more shortened, but the process of economical globalization is more and more quickened---enterprises are in face with cruel competition for their own existence; with the progress of the social economy, change speed of the business environment has greatly surpassed track and adjusting ability of the enterprises; today, with the hot competition in the market and rapid speed in the advent and update of the new technology, no enterprise can be big and strong enough to possess of the entire resource. As a measure to optimize and conformity the outer resource of the enterprise--- Virtual Enterprises, in the form of core ability, which accords with globalization trend of economy, information and intelligence and enables enterprises to seek changeable market opportunities, is more and more becoming a real choice for enterprises.The virtual enterprise has the advantages of flexibility, response rapidity, cost-sharing etc, but its risk is not reduced which caused by the uncertainty of the market and complexity of itself. We can hardly afford to neglect the risk and its consequent losses of virtual enterprise which may even cause bankruptcy. In this situation, we have to manage virtual enterprise effectively and guarantee its establishment and operation to be successful to win comparative advantage.The risk management begins in the 1930's US, and got a rapid development in 1970's. Risk management has become the hot subject to the attention of economic circles and business. However, in our country, the study of risk management is still at the initial stage, lacks of systematic researches, and lays particular stress in financial industry. There is few of researches on enterprise risk management, and even less reports concerning risk management of the virtual enterprise. Therefore, the study of risk management of the virtual management has both significant theoretic and application value.After studying the theory of the risk management, referring to the experiencesof project risk management, investigating each kind of factor affecting the risk of all virtual enterprise, we use multistage fuzzy synthesis determination theory in fuzzy mathematics to set up a project-based risk assessment model of virtual enterprise with respect to the particular feature of virtual enterprise.After risk assessment, we propose a risk transmission algorithm with respect to investment period risk based on product project, furthermore, we propose a risk controlling model as well as some risk controlling methods. This paper also gives typical cases of virtual enterprise while setting up the mathematic model, and carries on a feasibility study of the new risk assessment model. This papers' research provide managers effective tools for risk management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Virtual enterprise, Risk management, Risk assessment, Risk controlling
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