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A Study On Regional Difference Of Contribution To FDI 's Contribution To Jiangsu' S Economic Growth

Posted on:2017-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209330488994427Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since China’s reform and development, Jiangsu province, with unique geographical advantage and factor endowment, export-oriented economy have made substantial progress.The massive inflow of FDI alleviate the pressure for the development of economy in Jiangsu province capital, improve the quality of the labor force in the region and industry technology level and boost the economic growth.But because of historical and natural conditions, the distribution of FDI in Jiangsu province regional disequilibrium, south of Jiangsu is relatively foundation weak middle and north Jiangsu has always been a key area to attract FDI.Therefore, under the circumstances of global economic competition, the research of how to realize the FDI in Jiangsu province by the number of impact to quality improvement as well as the correct understanding of FDI contribution to the three regional economic growth difference, the more active effective use of FDI in Jiangsu province, to promote coordinated development of regional economy has important practical significance.This paper uses panel data empirical analysis in recent years, the elastic coefficient of FDI contribution to economic growth in Jiangsu province, examined the contribution of FDI to economic growth.Come to the conclusion:FDI has positive influence to promote economic development, but the contribution of role is far lower than capital, labor variables;Southern Jiangsu, middle and north Jiangsu FDI utilization scale increasing, but the southern Jiangsu, middle the contribution of FDI to economic growth is bigger than the degree of north Jiangsu;Jiangsu province relying more on labor comparative advantage and domestic capital to economic development, FDI contribution to economic growth elasticity coefficient needs to be improved.By building the index system of FDI contribution to economic growth performance, the BCC model based on DEA and Malmquist index method to measure the Jiangsu province and the comprehensive efficiency of three regional FDI utilization.Conclusion:southern Jiangsu, middle FDI utilization efficiency of the overall trend in growth, and subei FDI utilization efficiency trend is weak, unbalanced regional FDI utilization efficiency exist in Jiangsu province;Subei low efficiency mainly restricted by pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency, relatively weak economic foundation, the investment environment in north Jiangsu appeal is low, and lack of high-tech talents factors led to the introduction of FDI utilization quality is not high;Southern Jiangsu, middle region due to the high degree of opening to the outside world, has the high quality human capital, the FDI absorption and utilization of high efficiency, give full play to the FDI technology spillover effect, thus FDI contribution to economic growth is bigger.In conclusion,we have three suggestions:1. The three regions should improve the quality of FDI utilization to promote coordinated economic development, continue to play a role of FDI on economic growth pull.Jiangsu for further use of FDI upgrading industrial structure, to enhance the independent innovation capacity and international competitiveness at the same time, fully absorb the FDI technology spillover effect, better play to the role of the economic leaders in jiangsu province, radiation middle and north jiangsu regional economic development;2. The government should strengthen the lead role in the investment, establish complete FDI utilization performance evaluation mechanism, FDI introduction to comply with the principle of market economy, introduce more in line with the local industry development characteristics, the green environmental protection of FDI;The government to increase investment in education, and to integrate with the international social development, cultivate highly skilled workforce;3. The enterprise must strengthen the innovation ability, strengthen the absorption of FDI spillover effect.Depending on the FDI technology spillover effect, capital effect, employment effect, combined with the area of comparative advantage, promote FDI utilization’s quality and level.Actively set up channels of cooperation with foreign enterprises, strengthen the domestic and foreign enterprises supporting collaboration, promoting the development of integration of domestic and foreign enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:FDI, Ecomomic Growth, Regional Disparity, DEA Method
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