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Design And Implementation Of Asp-based University Students Employment And Recruitment Network

Posted on:2010-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360308466041Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As colleges and universities in recent years, enrollment, employment, increased competition, colleges and universities are gradually gaining employment difficult, especially in minority areas colleges and universities graduate employment more difficult. For employment information platform built on the Xichang College graduate employment status, ethnic areas with the actual situation of university employment, this article studies the lack of current employment network systems send and receive e-mail functions, the data do not align with the Ministry of Education, such as the status quo, discusses the system development background, ideas, processes, methods, significance and future direction of development, focus on college students to the employment of ethnic minority areas to provide a good communication platform to provide employment full of, full, information-based services to enhance the overall educational level of college.In this paper, a general overview o f the employment status of colleges and universities in minority areas, describes the system development background, development significance, development ideas, and study the feasibility of options, the reality is analyzed; a brief description of the Dreamweaver MX 2004, Access databases, SQL, ASP, HTML language; According to the survey, analysis of the current employment processes, demand conditions, and information feedback, etc. based on the overall design framework of this system, mainly including the student information release module, the students basic information management module, the various departments of employment Information Manager module of work, university graduates employment module, Recruitment module, on-line consultation system, system setup and maintenance of the module, sending and receiving e-mail and other modules, the entire system designed to increase e-mail sending and receiving capabilities, using database fields of employment issued by the Ministry of Education standards; in accordance with the requirements of each functional module are designed for various functional modules, the final adoption of system testing, get the correct output information and window information, enter the relevant data to prove that all of the normal function of the entire system, this paper presents the design of the program is feasible and reliable. Employment in accordance with the system design process, functional modular design principle, making the system more practical, timeliness, feasibility, reliability, relevance, national regional characteristics. Difficulties for the proposed program was discussed and put forward a solution, and gave details of each functional module design process and methods.System design is complete, to achieve graduate information collection, review, use, employment information release, searc for jobs, employers review the information, recruitment information release, online consulting, background management. Use of this system will fill the employment of graduates in our hospital information technology gap and promote better employment to carry out college has played an active role in point.
Keywords/Search Tags:ASP, employment, net
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