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Microsoft Data Access Technology Analysis And Applications

Posted on:2008-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360242968763Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Data access technology is the core of any practical application. It is needed todetermine how to visit the application associated data when we design application.Due to the development of the computer technology, the data access technology ismore and more powerful and common. It simplified data access programmers ontechinal difficulty, so that the programmer can relieved from the complexity lowdata access, focus on the realization of business logic.With the rapid development of computer technology and enterprise information,the application of MIS (Management Information System) has made a great process,it become more and more important to share and exchange information. To exchangeand share information among these heterogeneous databases, so that users canmanage and apply these heterogeneous databases just like a single data source,Microsoft has put forward platform .NET. However the rapid development ofInternet makes the Web data access technology become the main application ofdatabase system. Along with the burst of increase of Web data, there are more andmore applied requirements for exchanging data through network. XML is becominga standard for data representation and exchanging over the Internet. Instead ofHTML, XML will to be the main form for storing Web data.The data access technology is frequently needed in Web database system, and isa key problem. The old ways of data access technology have many defects. As themain part of the Microsoft's new century strategic platform .NET, ADO.NET showssome latest data access technology. With being ADO.NET, the way of data access isimproved. ADO.NET is an improved and perfected version of ADO which has manyobjects similar in function to those in ADO. ADO.NET, however, is more powerful,using XML to carry on the data exchange and adding many new objects andprogramming interface such as DataSet and DataAdapter. It also makes theoperation of database simpler. ADO.NET creates a new era for distributedapplication program in accessing database. Many new features of ADO.NET make itmore fit to network application. Its main characteristic is to offer database access based on a multiplayer framework with disconnection concept, combined withXML.This article has six chapters which mainly discuss the latest technology of dataaccess relating to Web applications against the background of data accesstechnology development, and introduces data access technology using ADO.NETmethod by explaining the principle of data exchange and the use of the model fordata access objects. In addition, it has compares and analyzed the optimizing ofrelated functions throughout an actual example, so that it is a huge improvement inefficiency and capability for accessing database. It has important actual meaning andpractical value for mass similar Web application program.The second chapter introduces the development of data access technologybriefly, then illustrate some used frequently data access technology detailed such asODBC,DAO,RDO,and OLE DB. It also describes their strong and weak points bycompared with each other. It explain the .NET and .NET frame in the third chapterwhich mainly study the realization of Web data access technology based on .NETframe and detailed illuminate its primary parts. Most important part of the article isthe fourth chapter. Here gives emphasis to ADO.NET and its data accessing modal,and compared it with ADO in design target of ADO.NET, characteristic of dataaccess, system structure, data security and so on. Finally it gives out an easy andtypical example of ADO.NET application which has present how to work effectivelyand safely. In the last part of this article here summarize the process of research andmake a prospect in its future development.
Keywords/Search Tags:OLE DB, ADO, ADO.NET, NET, data access
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