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Based Workflow Management Space Breeding Management System Design And Realization

Posted on:2003-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360092971188Subject:Systems Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is based on "Study for China's Space Breeding ManagementSystem and Decision Support System", the project which was supported by theNationa1 Natural Science Foundation of China. After ana1yzing the prob1ems ofmanagement in the fieId of space breeding, we propose a solution of constrUctingthe Space Breeding Management System, which is based on the technology ofworkfiow management. ln this papeF, the concept and architecture of workflowmanagement is introduced, the technology used in the implementing of SpaceBreeding Management System is described. Finally, a particular description ofthe evaluating system is given.The thesis contains four chaPters as follows:Chapter I: Basic knowledge of Workflow The development of theworkflow management, the concept and definition of the workflow and WfMSare introduced. The characteristics and the development of the workflow and theWorkflow Reference Model are described. Through the introduction of thischaPter, we can have a whole idea about Workflow Management.Chapter II: The analysis and design of the Space Breeding ManagementSystem. The problems about management of the space breeding are analyzed inthis chaPter, and the goal hiberarchy of the Space Breeding Management Systemand a process-oriented management solution is proposed.ChaPter III: The reIevant technology of WCb-based worndow management.ln this chaPtef, the three-tiered software architecture is intrOduced firstly, thenthe basic principles and features of three kinds of popular 3-tier web architectureare discussed and analyzed. Finally, this chapter analyzed the distributedcomputing Architecture based on COrmCOM in detail, and summarized someimplementing methods of COimCOM.ChaPter lV: The design and implementing of the Space BreedingManagement System. ln this chaPter, the features of Space BreedingManagement System are discussed. And the preliminary design is proposed. Theimplementing of the workflow-based evaluating system is introduced in detail.This chaPter aIso described the modeI and arithmetic of the eva1uatingarchitecture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space Breeding, Workflow, Management, 3-tier
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