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Realization Of Digital Switches Light Relay Network

Posted on:2003-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360092466210Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Optical Relay NetWork technoIogy is to buiIdup various TeIephoneNetWorks by the flexible SDH transmission equipment working with storedprogram control switches. At present, it has been adopted by most of telecomoperators in Iocal netWorks of PSTN and becomes an eff6ctive solution toImp the operation cost, improve the QoS, as well as faciIitat6 the OAM.Various technoIogies are invoIved in the design of Optical ReIayNetWorking, mainly incIuding the design of access circuit of Optical Relay andthe design of OpticaI Relay Module software in switch.Based on the research of OpticaI Relay using Datang SP30 switchplatform, the paper wilI introduce the evolution of switch, transmissionnetWork and switching netWork, as well as the present and future. AII methodsof reIay netWork and the advant8ge of OpticaI Relay are aIso present6d. theprincipIe of OpticaI Relay is covered in-depth, and based on that, the designand reaIization of OpticaI Relay on SP30 switch is prDposed in the paper. Thepaper would focus on,1. Realization of Hm and Sm in Optical ReIay solution based on SP30switching pIafform, as well as the standard interface.2. Design of the communication fIow of Optical Relay SlW, OAM modesand abnormal handle mechanism.3. The t6chnoIogy of dynamic timesIot adjustment is fulfiIIed in SP30 fOr thefirst time.The SP30 switches equipped with Optical Relay had been depIoyed for thepurpose of testing in netWorks of Macao,Xi'an and Liaoning, good operation[esJlts proved they had achieved the expectation in terms of requirement andeconomic benefit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Optical Relay, SDH, PSTN, Switch, Transmission equipment, Telephone Network, Dynamic timeslot adjusted
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