With the development of Internet, a great deal of information are brought forth. How to make the full use of this precious resources and how to quickly find useful information are instancy problems which must be solved. This article analyses the current problems of Internet Search Engine searching the information. In order to improve searching accuracy and make it more useful, it brings forth Special Search Engine, which is a new idea of searching Internet. This article discusses basis theory, researches in web analysing, and does with chinese language in search engine. The latter half of this article researches the Intelligent Information Pull-Push technology and Internet Data Base. It also enumerates two examples of Special Search Engine and the methods of it realization. In the final part this article puts forth new frame of web explore which is based on Special Searching Engine. In this article I realize a Special Search Engine, which proves the meaning of this article. This paper make discussion and explore about design idea basis technology and architecture of practice Search Engine. |