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Education On The Effects Of Happiness

Posted on:2010-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360302964638Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It gains ground, nowadays, that happiness is the very ultimate objective to be attained through human activities. Then, the open question is whether education, one of the essential human conducts, can exert any effect on happiness. What, if any effect's really there, are the positive and negative impacts in strength, span and the ways it functions on different recipients? This paper, hereby, is meant to generalize some overall viewpoints upon certain great foreign and domestic literatures over the subjects to work out, and make a comparison between the outcome of questionnaire and that of experts, if possible, some desirable clues and revelations, for further research later on as expected.There are five chapters in this paper. This first one mainly introduces the background, objective, scope, method of the dissertation and its innovation. The second part discusses the effects of education on happiness in the view of strength, span and the ways. The third section describes its influence from the perspectives of physical health, mental health, income, job, family, social relationship, and social development. The fourth is the analysis of data collected from questionnaire. At the end of the thesis reasons of the differences and some suggestions for further research will be given.
Keywords/Search Tags:education, happiness, effect
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