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The Primary Composition Research, Teaching And Evaluation Strategies

Posted on:2011-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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Compositions teaching is a difficuty in Chinese teaching.What can we do?Firstly, the author firmly believes that the teaching style determines or influences the form of learning, and the process of teaching also affects the learning process. The success or failure of the students' compositions depends on the teaching, because the methods which the teacher uses restrict the quality of the composition which the students write.The thesis derives from the idea and request of composition which the author learned from the new course standard of the second course reform. And the author also comments on the training system of teaching composition , the practice mission of the teachers, the teaching methods and the evaluation of composition. The author analysed the current situation of composition teaching and its cause of formation. And he also expounded upon the standard methods of composition teaching which affect the effects of composition.As the main teacher in charge of improving courses at the school, the author expounded upon the viewpoint of composition teaching and the evaluation tactics. The author studied the connections between reading and writing,and between writing and the students' lives. He has summed up the methods. Lastly, he expounded upon how to organize a useful method to teach comosition and upon how to form a good relation ship between the teacher and students. The author thinks that teachers must respect and encourage students, and really appreciate the compositions which students write.Maybe the author does not find the answer about this question or just get to know a little. But that is also a beginning of the next study.
Keywords/Search Tags:composition, teaching, the evaluation tactics, method, relation ship
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