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Study Of Adult Education And Justice

Posted on:2010-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360275955243Subject:Adult Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The justice is pursued by humanity eternally.The implication of justice's concept is rich and profound.It not only contains the realization of social value,but also the pursuing of individual moral character.The education justice is the justice's spirit which is extended and put up in educational fields,and also a top level showing of education's essential.In the research of education justice,adult education justice is deficient to a certain extent.The adult education justice has the important society and individual value,it is the adult education's value goal,and also the manifestation of adult's fundamental interests.The adult education justice must obtain more attention and regards.As the development of adult education in our country,the problems about adult education justice became marked gradually,and also becomes one of important attributes that is restricting the development of adult education in our country.To explores the adult education justice's connotation and significance,and pursue the way and the action that can impel our country adult education justice can develop the broader development opportunities for the adult education,realizes the ultimate goal of adult education.Therefore,this research is based on the justice's rich connotation and previous research about,the education justice,proposed the concept of adult education justice,and from three stratification planes that is the social development,the adult education own as well as the adult individual development to analyze its value and the significance.In the research,attempts from the new angle of view to study and carefully examine the justice problems in the adult education's developing process,and unifies the adult education justice in-depth connotation to reconsiders and analyzes our country adult education justice's problems.On this basis,based on request of three different domains and the stage than is form justice,the procedure justice as well as the substantive justice just,the research proposed the advancement strategy about our country adult education justice.The research made every effort to rectify the problems in our country adult education justice,and display the value of adult education justice at large.This topic research,on the one hand may enrich the direction,content and system of adult education fundamental research,and make the adult education fundamental research become more diversified and deep-seated;On the other hand,the adult education justice research and can the strategy theory can support academic advancement for our country adult education's development practice,promotes our country adult education healthy and benign development,so it has the strong practice guiding sense.In the research process,the author has consulted the massive material which involves the philosophy,the sociology,the legal science,the politics as well as the pedagogy and so on,so that made every effort to grasp the former research results comprehensively,studied and absorbed the predecessor's experience.In the research technique aspect,not only has used the literature methodology,but also has used the comparison methodology,the historical methodology and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adult education justice, value, Problem reconsideration, Strategy
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