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Students Hot Educational Research

Posted on:2007-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C T LouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360212470494Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of reform and opening-up to the outside world, great changes have taken place in China's economic structure and social life and socialist market economic system has been improved gradually. In particular, after the entry to the WTO in 2001, China is obvious on the way from close to open economy; from planning to market economy; from agricultural to industrial economy. On the impact of economic globalization, informationization and higher education self-reformation, the college students are sure to pay wide attention to and think over a series of great social affairs, events, changes and key problems. Therefore, it is inevitable to make best use of these social hot issues, analyze them accurately and properly guide the students.In general, research on ideological and political work of college students is far to enough. The major problems at president are (1) worse effectiveness for time on the hot issues and real gap between guiding in and out; (2) loose connection with education on hot issues and no linkage between the positive value and the development of socialist market economy; (3) insufficient research on the rules of education. Thus, ordinary instructors can not take the advantage of these rules. The most important target of this paper is to apply some solutions to these problems.This paper is to probe into hot issues popular with college students the scope and characteristics, significance, sources and ways of education. It is proposed that as far as ideological and political instruction are concerned, adequate attention should be paid to hot issues college students are concerned about and instructions be given. To strengthen instructions on hot issues is in accordance with social situations. It is as much a requirement of college students' self-teaching as an effective way of strengthening ideological and political instruction. Study on the instruction on hot issues is a further step on the study of scientific approach, rules, promptness and pertinence. Through analysis of hot issues' basic features and scope, it specifies the source and instruction characteristics, pointing out that college students' true mental and psychological state must be taken into consideration and that instruction must be...
Keywords/Search Tags:hot issues, hot issues popular with college students, instructions on hot issues to college students, sources and ways of education
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