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Teacher Burnout And Teaching Effectiveness

Posted on:2004-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360125468841Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The famous psychologist Piaget says, "All the effective works must have some kind of interest to be their prerequisite." So a man's working enthusiasm and job interest must be the prerequisite of his work efficiency. To a teacher, his teaching enthusiasm and teaching interest must be the prerequisite of his teaching efficiency. But teacher burnout leads to the reduction of teaching enthusiasm and the loss of teaching interest. So we can deduce that teacher burnout can influence the teaching efficiency to some extent. So it is meaningful to study the correlation between teacher burnout and teacher efficiency.To survey the studies of teacher burnout inside and outside China, we found that the study of teacher burnout has just begun. The theories about teacher burnout are comparatively mature, but empirical researches are still lacked. In order to remedy the defect of the past studies, we take teacher burnout as the key problem to investigate the differences of burnout between different teaching efficiency teachers to ensure the correlation between teacher burnout and teacher efficiency by empirical research method.Our study shows that sex, age, teaching-age, grade, school, manager of the class or not, subject influence teacher burnout little. School, teaching efficiency influence teacher burnout significantly. Schools are divided into three kinds-the best middle-schools in city, the best middle-schools in district and common middle-schools. There are many dramatic differences among teachers of the schools above. And there are many dramatic differences among high-efficiency teacher, middle-efficiency teacher and low-efficiency teacher.From studies of teacher burnout, we can see that three aspects influence teacher burnout effectively. They are society, organization and the teacher himself. So we suggest to reduce, to eliminate and to prevent teacher burnout through the three aspects above.To some extent, my study enriches the theories of teacher burnout and the theories related. And it also provides practical suggestions to reduce, to eliminate and to prevent teacher burnout. In short, my study is meaningful to teaching reform in our country today.
Keywords/Search Tags:teacher, burnout, teacher efficiency
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