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Integration Of Multimedia, Networking And High School History Teaching Research And Practice

Posted on:2004-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L SongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 21ST century is modem times that science and technology develop rapidly. With the technology of computer developing increasingly, multimedia and network is becoming its core. It is becoming the main trend of technical revolution day by day, and makes the society into the information period. It not only strengthens the communication of politics, economy, culture and so on in the world, but also modernizes the educational methods. It greatly lashes traditional educational ideas, contents, methods, ways and courses. It also redefines the standard of a person of ability in the digital times.From the information technology, this text which is based on practice is about how to combine the modem educational theory with the history teaching with the multimedia and the net technology under the modem educational technology qualifications. And we will injure into a new teaching way, which is according to the understanding regularity of the students, encourage their interests, foster their ability of self-study, co-operation and dealing with the information, develop their spirit of creativity and practical abilities. So we can promote to reform the teaching methods and carry out quality education.During the integration, we must stick to the basic theory, design the teaching carefully, and base on analyzing teaching outline, text and student character to define teaching aims, teaching tactics and teaching means. With the link of multimedia, we use multimedia network room to create a modern teaching model that the center is students and the teacher fully play a leading part. The key of the integration is how to improve the teachers' teaching ideas and how to master the technology of the multimedia. That is to say, how to liberate them from the shackles of examination education. We must study modem educational method and modem educational technology to direct the designing the multimedia course ware. According to the students, we should make soft ware that trains thestudents to self-study and bring forth new ideas and develop their practical abilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multimedia, Network, Integration, Course ware, Teaching pattern
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