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The Preliminary Research Study High School Chemistry Research

Posted on:2004-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360092999463Subject:Curriculum and Pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper does preliminary study about inquiry learning in Chemistry of senior high school. Firstly on the base of discussing the theory of inquiry learning, this paper analyzes the necessity, feasibility and particularity of doing inquiry learning. It also discusses methods of choosing task, mode of doing inquiry learning, framing a project and the principles of evaluation. Then the project of doing inquiry learning in Chemistry of senior high school is brought forward on the base of the theory discussing. In the project this article offers concretely a lot of reference tasks, and the author chooses some tasks to practical research. And this paper also provides some examples to study and practical reference. According to the preliminary demonstration in theory and practice, the author think: it is possible and necessary to do inquiry learning in Chemistry of senior high school, but we must pay attention to the particularity. In the end, the paper puts forward some questions to further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:inquiry learning, Chemistry in senior high school, project
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