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Perplexity And Countermeasures Of Rural Teachers' Job Burnout

Posted on:2016-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LiFull Text:PDF
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Under the current situation of further new curriculum reform and education reform, rural teachers are facing increasing pressure. They are confused by more and more problems, for example, the imbalance of education resources, different working conditions and salaries between rural and urban areas, different quality between urban students and rural students and so on. As these problems increase, rural teachers" burnout is becoming more and more obvious. Occupational burnout is regarded as the hot topic in current education and psychology studies. Teachers’ occupational burnout is conceived to be an extreme response to chronic pressure and is characterized by three dimensions:emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low sense of personal achievement.When teachers are faced with occupational burnout, they may consider the teaching job meaningless and worthless. They can hardly set any goals in their work and gradually lose their interest in teaching. Even worse, they may feel more and more anxious and helpless. Then it leads to the lack of confidence and drive to work. As a result, they begin to avoid difficulties and take a perfunctory attitude towards their work. The above thoughts and behaviors have already posed a threat to the teachers’mental and physical health, as well as the teaching quality and the stabilization of the teaching staff. They’ve directly caused the negative influence to teachers’ teaching and students’development.The relevant research about occupational burnout in western countries mainly focuses on the aspects like the concept, the forms, the progress, the factors and the theoretical model. As to the research in our country, it starts late and owns a short research time. The focal point of our research is on the measures to intervene in occupational burnout. It is conducted from the research of the overseas theories, the current situation and the measuring means.From the investigation among the teachers in No.10 Middle School of Zhangdian, the author thinks that the occupational burnout is resulted from the influence of factors like society, school, vocation and individual. The society set a high standard for the teaching work while the teachers hold a low rank. Different people hold different concepts of education. These concepts run into each other. Then the teachers are interfered by this kind of social environment. Also, the weakness of the evaluation system, the management system and the duty arrangement in the school further the influence upon the teachers. As to the vocational reason, the teaching work is faced with the complicated objects, the tough task and the chaotic roles the teachers play every day. Last but not least, some of the teachers themselves lack the spirit of devotion and professional knowledge.According to the findings of the investigation, the author analyzed the reasons that caused the occupational burnout and raised some suggestions to prevent and alleviate the burnout. The author thinks that it should be done from four aspects. They are the society, the school,the vocation and the individual. First of all, the society should offer the teachers a high social and economic rank. It should also appeal to the public to understand the teachers more, place appropriate hopes on them and reduce their burden. Then the school should strengthen the democratic and scientific management, establish a "teacher-centered" management concept, improve the quality of the school leadership teams, establish an appropriate evaluation system, concern teachers’professional growth, construct a better campus culture, create a harmonious relationship, correctly treat teachers’ setbacks, establish psychological counseling agencies and a normal selection and promotion mechanism. As to the teachers themselves, they should clearly recognize and face the grim reality of the existence of burnout. They should also recognize that the burnout comes from the pressure they’re under. What they need to do is to improve the ability to cope with stress, to improve the strategies to deal with emergency, to positively adjust the mentality, to excavate from the value of ordinary work, to develop good individual psychological characteristics, to improve and develop themselves in different aspects and finally to make themselves face their life and work with confidence and enthusiasm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Burnout, Junior middle school teachers, performance, causes and countermeasures
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