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An Analysis Of Ellis Young 's Feminist Thought

Posted on:2015-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330431969545Subject:Foreign Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gender inequality has long been a problem. With the progress of human civilization anddevelopment, the social system as well as in the understanding of the formed by people in thesocial development, social inequality is still in the deep. Sixties and seventies of the20th century,the western capitalist countries successively launched the women’s liberation movement, calledthe second wave of the feminist movement. Emerging feminist thinker committed to eliminatethe sexes caused by the naturalness of the division of labor between men and women to getdifferent pay. Socialist feminism genre is the second wave of the women’s liberation movementin one of the main theories. Iris Yang socialist feminist theory is the group one of the mainrepresentative figure of. Through the analysis of the relationship between capitalism andpatriarchy, and probes into the theory of dual critique, think capitalism and patriarchy, of thesame one to form a system theory. Based on the analysis of women’s oppression, iris Yang don’tagree with the traditional marxist analysis of the "class", and "gender" analysis of radicalfeminism, and the gender division of labor as the main analytical category for the first time. IrisYang thinks under the gender division of labor, women cannot get equal pay for equal work tomen and equal rights, resulting in female labor marginal. Therefore, women’s living environmentand become worse with the development of capitalism. Iris Yang that patriarchy is the essentialcharacteristic of capitalism, therefore to effectively solve the problem of women oppressedexploitation, realize the liberation of women, will be modified capitalism political, economic,cultural and social system.This paper first introduces the iris Yang feminist thought and theory the social and historicalbackground and theoretical premise, think that the emergence of iris Yang feminist theory hasextremely profound social and historical background of capitalism, the traditional marxismtheory and dual theory and a series of the feminist theory of iris Yang had important impact onthe formation of the feminist theory. Next, the gender division of labor of iris Yang category forthe study of women’s oppression problem provides a new perspective. Based on the analysis offeminist thought and theory of iris Yang, based on the contribution to the theory and thedisadvantages are also analyzed and discussed. Through the analysis of the iris Yang feministtheory, the realization of women’s liberation can be found and the way to get the equal rights..Both in capitalist society, and in the third world countries, iris young’s feminist thought andtheory enlightens us to thoroughly implement the women’s liberation in the whole world, andmen of the same right to equality and freedom, we must think anew women facing variousproblems, to improve their own quality, change the traditional ideas of gender inequality, activelyparticipate in the political, economic, cultural and other social practice activities, with concreteactions to change women’s lives...
Keywords/Search Tags:Patriarchy, Capitalism, Feminism, Iris Young
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