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Study Of Old Handwriting

Posted on:2009-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The history of the greying of the population shows that the greying of the population have a significant impact on all aspects of people's life. In the economic domain, the greying of the population have a more serious impact on the economic growth, deposit, investment and expense, labor market, pension, tax revenue and so on. In the social domain, the greying of the population have an impact on social welfare, medical care, family structure and living arrangements, housing and migration. In the political and cultural domain, the greying of the population will have vary degree of influence on the political system, ideas and concepts and traditional culture.Meanwhile, with the greying of the population in our country, the cases about the handwriting verification of the elderly people has been increased in civil disputes, economic contract disputes, inherited disputes as well as specific criminal cases. Therefore, it is necessary to study the handwriting of the elderly on the characteristics of handwriting, the change of regularity of the handwriting, the methods of identification.The study of handwriting verification as a science is a prominent current topic of discussion and there is few studies in the theoretical and practical. So this paper attempts to discuss the handwriting verification of the elderly on the basis of a lot of statistical analysis and research.This paper is made up of four parts, totally 34,000 words. The author starts this paper from the significance, the scientific basis and the studying current situation of the handwriting verification of the elderly, then she analyse the handwriting samples of above three hundred old persons by empirical research methods, at last ,she shows the method of the handwriting verification of the elderly.The first part gives a general overview of the handwriting verification of the elderly. It concentrates on the siginificance, the scientific basis and the studying current situation of the handwriting verification of the elderly.With the aggravation of the greying of the population, there are more and more legal action dispute relating to an old people. So It is necessary to study the handwriting verification of the elderly for its great values as evidence. In the part of scientific basis ,the author suggest that we should give more consideration to biological age than sequence-age after dividing into the stage of elder age.The second part explains the characteristics of the elderly's handwriting. It contains the cause for the formation, the statistic analysis and the regularity of the characteristics. The cause includes physiology aspect and mental aspect. The physiology aspect is made up of physiology changes about older persons' writing system which includes the bone, arthrosis and the muscle ageing, ageing of old people's nervous system, ageing of old people's coordination. The mental aspect is made up of lowering about auditory and visual sensitivity and the coming down of older people's memory.The author analyses the elder's handwriting in the transverse direction, longitudinal and pathological mechanism way by statistical analysis. And finally the author came to the conclusion to the regularity about the elder's handwriting characteristics. When analysing, the author classified the experimental samples into three stages:50-60 years old,60-70 years old and over 70 years old and analyses them according to the general changes and the movement in writing. Then according to the analysis results the author analyses the elder's handwriting in 60-70 years old and over 70 years old based on different cultural levels by statistical analysis.This part, which is of much use for the documents examiners in practice, the author expounds characteristics of the elder's handwriting with a lot of data and plenty of pictures.In the third part, the author specifies several differences between the common handwriting and the elder handwriting. In practice, the elder handwriting are often contused with imitating handwriting ,left disguised handwriting and so on. It is difficult for the appraiser to make a conclusion because he has little knowledge about the characteristics and changing regularity of the handwriting. Therefore, this part makes a systematic comparison between the elder handwriting and imitating handwriting and left disguised handwriting. Meanwhile, this part attempts to shed some lights on the differences between the elder handwriting and the tense-situtation handwriting ,the drunken state handwriting, mental patients' handwriting.The fourth part, which expounds the methods about identification the elder's handwriting is the core of this paper. According to the procedure of document examination, this part is divided into six aspects: I. identifying the nature of handwriting samples Accurately. II. analysing the identification conditions of samples and checked material. III. ascertaining the characteristics of the elder's handwriting. IV. comparing the characteristics of the elder's handwriting. V. coming to a identification conclusion by systematic analysis. VI. the example about the cases on the eldly handwriting. In the part I, the author analyses the elderly's normal handwriting, the elderly's changing handwriting and the elderly's forgery hanwriting. The part II contains the value analysis about the checked material for testing and the sample for comparing. The part III includes four aspects: analysing the base systematicly about the elderly's handwriting, the methods to ascertain the characteristics of the checked material, the methods to ascertain the characteristics of the samples, the things we should pay attention to in selecting the characteristics of the elderly's handwriting. The part IV expounds from comparing general characteristics, part characteristics in writing movement and characteristics group of the elderly people. The part V contains judging the difference, the conformity and comprehensive assessments for the characteristics of the eldly's handwriting.This part, which is of much use for the document examiners in practice analyses the ways to identify the elderly's handwriting comprehensively and systematicly. It is worth mentioning that in the part III ,the author suggests to ascertain the characteristics of the eldly's handwriting from four aspects such as dynamic and static characteristics, dominant and hidden features, inherent and additional features, stable and changing characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:the elderly, document examination, characteristics, test points
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