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On Bills Due To The Nature Of Bills Of Credit

Posted on:2008-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Notes by the principle of non-instrument law as the basic principles for the promotion of bills in circulation, protection of the safety of transactions played a critical role. Both countries and the instrument law, or the Geneva reunification Negotiable Instruments, without reason has been the principle of a high degree of technical rules is universal adherence. Thus the principle known as "the soul of the modern instrument law" and "the principle of legislation."However, no academic paper on sexual-depth study is done, what instruments without reason, Notes no sexual associated with the concept of what is the difference between paper and not because of the legal validity of such questions remain to be clarified further. Meanwhile, my notes on paper without legislation by the rather ambiguous attitude, despite the introduction of a series of laws, regulations, regulations and judicial interpretations, but due to the lack of clearly established by the Bills without principle, This paper not only essential for the financial market of financial instruments to play its role, but also to the judicial practice caused a lot of confusion.In recent years, bills financing in China growing warming, it is difficult to ease SME financing issues have played a positive role, However, the lack of actual transactions background paper financing for existing legislation disallows instruments, This once again raises the specter of paper by the principle of non-thinking. In fact, the essences of this issue are the legal reality and make a choice. This has now become in each of the Negotiable Instruments researchers face a problem.This writer insight, no bills to the bills of sexual credit for the impact of a written thesis, Notes without reason from the basic problems, we should clarify its concept, effectiveness analysis and legislative review and the light of the present paper, put forward their own bills to improve our non-sexual concept of the legislation. I hope that through the above analysis, the paper without some sexual conduct more systematic and comprehensive study. The full text is divided into four parts:Part I: Bills without sexual basic problemNo paper is a result of sexual relations and paper based instruments relations separation characteristics. The separation means that the two independent existence of each other's influence. Notes without reason that the notion of the formation of the concept of law due to the logic bred, the demand for socio-economic life of countries and the concept of universal recognition. No bills for the establishment of the principle of promoting circulation paper, the protection of the security of transactions, reduce transaction costs and expand the social credit and other aspects of positive significance.Part II: Bills by nature with no credit instrumentsAs the Bills and the relevance of credit, out of the whole credit system and the order of consideration, Bills without the sexual development of the rule of law everywhere and also close to the credit system. For credit from the circulation of goods and money under the conditions of the successful realization of consideration, Even Issuance or transfer of the reasons for non-existent or ineffective, has been revoked, based on the trust of the credit system, As long as the instruments are the instruments to conduct established by law, notes on the actors have to bear paper obligations, Ticket-holders must enjoy the rights instruments. Here, no instruments for the effectiveness of the recall to fully guarantee the realization of credit order.Part III: Perfecting the paper by the principle of non-ThinkingMy review of the existing legal system of instruments, although before and after the introduction of the "instrument", "instrument approach to the implementation of management," "Gross Settlement Procedures" and "Trials of the Supreme People's Court notes disputes a number of issues, such as the" series of transfer Notes entire legal relations laws, regulations and judicial interpretations. But the Bills without reason and the principle instruments credibility has not given full attention, causing many legal application of the conflict, This is not conducive to the realization of the original intention of this paper, but the actual operation to bring a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, the revised instrument law timely, because no clearly established the principle of improving the legislative instrument an important part.
Keywords/Search Tags:Notes, Credit, No sexual, Impact
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