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Issues that impact the disclosure of sexual identity among gay young adult men: A qualitative study

Posted on:2009-02-13Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Aceves, Eddie JFull Text:PDF
GTID:2446390005953186Subject:Social work
The purpose of this study was to explore barriers that prevent young gay adult men from disclosing their sexual orientation (coming-out). Qualitative interviews of 13 self-identified gay young adult men between the ages of 18-34 who had in the past or who were currently experiencing issues preventing them from coming out were conducted.; This study found that the majority of participants had experienced one or more barriers which prevented them from disclosing their sexual identity. The common barrier that the majority of the participants perceived to have the most impact in their lives during their coming out process was their fear of their parent's reactions. Another common barrier that was experienced by gay men of color was their inability to fit in the predominantly White gay culture/community. This study also found that the first person to whom all of the study participants disclosed their sexual orientation was a friend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sexual, Adult men, Gay
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