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Animal Welfare Protection Legislation

Posted on:2006-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R L XuFull Text:PDF
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"Animal welfare" was created by Hughes in 1976, which means a state of complete mental and physical health where the animal is in harmony with its environment. "Animal welfare" does not ask us don't make use of animals, but require us to use them reasonably and humanely, and guarantee the animals having their basic rights. The animal protection has its ethical and social base not only in the west but also in the east. Furthermore, in recent years, because of the economic development, concerning the ethical and environmental factors, animal welfare laws have been made up in many countries and areas. Up to now, more than 100 countries and areas have relatively perfect animal welfare laws. These countries and areas include America, Australia, EU, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong and so on. The animal welfare laws are most perfect and were made up earliest. The animal welfare laws in America and Canada also have their own characters, and can be used for reference.And in the international trade, animal welfare has become an important criterion. WTO is considering taking animal welfare as an international trade standard. But China is always draggled in this matter. Not only in legislation but also in social idea. Animal cruelty can be seen everywhere. In recent years, because of the short of animal welfare, China has met many problems in international trades.China has also paid her attention to such problems in recent years. More and more organizations, experts and medium begin to focus on such problems. But has met some obstacles in legislation. Under the existing situation, animal welfare law is considered "too early", and will meet difficulties in enforcement. But the animal welfare is consistent with the essential benefits of human. And animal welfare legislation has become a tendency in the world. Our country also has the primary social and ethical situations for animal welfare legislation. So we should conform such tendency, for the animals, also for our human beings. We should, basing on the existing condition of our country, using the foreign experiences selectively for reference, extend the scale of protected animals, get new ideas in legislation object, make adjustment in management system, and make up our own animal welfare law.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animal Welfare, Protection Law, China, Legislation
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