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Safe Non-life Insurance Companies Marketing Strategy

Posted on:2002-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032456609Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, with the increasing of the insurance companies, the domestic insurance market is getting more and more active while the competition is getting intense. In the meantime, our national insurance practitioners face severe challenges from the world insurance giants, which are goini to imports after China enters WTO. Therefore, the problems arise to every insurance enterprise as how to conduct the insurance marketing and what kind of insurance strategy to make. Through the analysis of domestic non-life insurance business on the aspects of the macro environments, business structure, competitors, behavior of the consumer, and the analysis of the internal factors of non-life insurance marketing in Ping An Insurance Company of China, this essay determines the non-life insurance marketing strategy and the management of the implementation of the strategy. This essay also describes the mission and the structure of the no-life insurance marketing strategy, analysis the business developing direction and the 4Cs marketing strategy combination of Ping An Insurance Company of China. This essay also describes how the Ping An Insurance Company of China ensures its effective implementation of marketing strategy through the stuff construction, channel construction, resource distribution, sales and enterprise culture construction. Postgraduate student: Wu Zhijun Directed by: Vice-Prof Gong yanping...
Keywords/Search Tags:insurance, market strategy, business structure, resource distribution
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