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The Faith Of The Rule Of Law And Legal Education

Posted on:2002-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032450748Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rule of law is a sutra conception of history of law, and is also people抯 seeking a glorious idealized society for thousands of years. Today the modernization of rule of law is important in our country socialist modern construction. The first part of this article analyses the source of rule of law, and we know that people抯 beliefs in legal from their hearts is the modern spirit of rule of law .So if Chinese want to accomplish the modernization of rule of law, the first step is to build people抯 universal beliefs in rule of law, which is indispensable spirit foundation to our country抯 socialist legal construction.There is no hiding the fact that our country抯 socialist legal construction has got great achievement. However we can not neglect the fact that we people have not faith in rule of law .So in the second part of this article, I analyse this society抯 situation: people抯 unfamiliar with the legal, misunderstanding the legal value, suspicion to the legal authority and ignorance about legal action. And deeply researching the cause of this situation, our country 憇 natural economy, legal culture, political culture and chaotic outlook on value at our society 憇 transform time go against cultivating the people 憇 belief in rule of law.Certainly people would believe really in rule of law, which need our society抯 rule of law situation. Moreover our society抯 rule of law situation is very poor. We cannot cultivate the people 憇 belief in rule of law until our country has accomplished the rule of law. Now that people have no faith in the rule of law, the real rule of law has not taken shape in the country抯 society life, and our country must take the legal construction as systems engineering. No doubt it is important sense that drawing up the scientific legal systems, strictly execution of law and impartially judicial action. Nowadays education has become indispensable base to the modern society. To cultivate the qualified personnel for the society抯 need, the society must make great progresses in education. And in philosophy, establishing the belief is the society抯 taking belief education course. It is also the people socialization抯 course. In the third part of this article, we clear up the disordered conception of legal education in our society today, and analyse in detail the goal, the subject, the object, the main content and the circumstance of legal education. And also this article puts forward the author抯 point of views on how to reform our country抯 legal education systems, help to build up the new conception of legal education, cultivate the people抯 belief in rule of law and cultivate qualified constructor and successor to our country?modern construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modernization rule of law modernization of legal system belief in rule of law legal education
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