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Study Of China Northern Period Of Industrial And Commercial Joint-stock Enterprises

Posted on:2001-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002951789Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, joint stock system is becoming the main style of reforming the state-owned enterprises and establishing the modern enterprise system. Since mid of 80s, the trying to transforming the state-owned enterprise into joint stock enterprise and establishing modern enterprise system is developing. After 15th Chinese Communist Respective Session, these reforms developed deeply. It must have a certain of theories and experiences to instruct these reforms. On one hand, we need learn the foreign experiences; on the other hand, we must pay more attention to historical experiences of China. With about two centuries continuous development for foreign joint stock system, it has formed one set of relative perfect operating procedure, corresponding property right and modern company's theory. These have important meaning for directing our reforming. But there are different historical procedure, cultural background and economic basis, so we must integrate the foreign experiences with Chinese situation to proceed reform. Having experienced development for one century before 1949, the joint stock system left lots of lessons that could be learnt by us. There were two reasons that this article selected the joint stock system from 1912 to 1927, during Beiyang government, as the researching object. Firstly, during Beiyang government there were wars among warlords and the invasion of imperialism. The social economy of some regions and some sectors were blocked and damaged. But from a historical long run, the social economy during this period proceeded. The history expressed, the reason of rapid development of Chinese industry and business during 20s to30s was the Chinese industry and business grasped the opportunity of world war I. The more important was the Chinese industry and business utilized the capital style of joint stock system. From the historical reference, the enterprises with certain scale at that time adopted the joint stock system naturally. Secondly, although there a lot of experts had involved with the development issues of industry and business during this period in China, these researches were limited to gather and arrange data or study case. These researches provided the detailed data for researching Chinese joint stock system, the defect was these researches lack of relevant theoretic framework. So the results of these researches were lack of integration and science, they were not able to instruct practices. On the basis of reasons, the article began with taking the joint stock system as the enterprise system and investigated the development and change of regime structure and interaction between the joint stock system and regime background of arising and developing of joint stock system. By reviewing the vicissitude of regime, we expected to extract some regulation from these researches and provided historical experiences for realistic reform of joint stock system and development. The article was directed by dialectical materialism and historical materialism of marxism because the development of joint stock system during 1912 to 1927 was the historical procedure. Meanwhile the economic history theory of D.C North was attractive with much attention in the field of international economics and economic history. Especial in the developing countries, the theory was concerned because this theory is useful to instruct resolving the realistic problem. For a long time, our political economics and Chinese theory of economic history put the producing relation, especial ownership, as the first rank. This expressed the institutional factors influencing the economics and the counteractive of politics to economics were weighed in our country. Maybe that was reason why most Chinese economists accepted institutional economics. The new institutional economics was on the basis of "rational human" model, took the property right and trade expense as the background and took the basic analyzing methods of new classic economics as the instrument. It analyzed the function of regime, the mechanism and procedure of vicissitude of...
Keywords/Search Tags:Joint-stock
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