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On The Internal Relations

Posted on:2017-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our research on the share of internal relations is the various rights and obligations in the management, use, income and disposition of the co ownership, and how to allocate the rights and obligations.In this paper, we discuss the internal relations, which mainly involve the use of income, the disposal of the total content, the management of the total content and the burden of the cost of a total of four aspects.Mainly because these four aspects and the common people’s material interests are closely linked, and a total of the controversy between the majority of the people around it.This paper is mainly through in-depth understanding of China’s present research situation of the share of the internal relationship, and comparative analysis of overseas countries (regions) such as Germany, Japan, Chinese Taiwan is concerned by copies of internal relations research.I hope to learn from Germany, Japan and Chinese Taiwan as the internal relations of the related system, passed around by a total of four of a total of usufruct and disposition, management and cost burden of research, in order to by a total internal relationship between the relevant legislation suggestions on how to improve the our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:common shared, proper part, usufructuary right, disposition, Allocation of Rights and Obligations
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