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A Study On The Supervision Of China 's Lottery Chest

Posted on:2017-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330485455931Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China welfare lottery and sports lottery are lottery which are issued by the S tate Council, separately managed by the Ministry of civil affairs andthe State Spo rts General Administration. Since the issuance of lottery from 1987 to 2014, welf are lottery raised lottery public welfare fund about 360 billion yuan, funding mor e than 4000 social welfare projects and directly driving employment of about 55 0 thousand people. Welfare funds are widely applied to the key areas of the reha bilitation of the elderly, the disabled, orphans rescue, health care, the Red Cross, disaster relief and so on, promoting the development of the public welfare. Sport s lottery after more than 20 years of rapid development, until 2014 cumulatively raised lottery public welfare fund about 248.2 billion yuan, directly driving empl oyment of about 500 thousand people. Sports lottery is widely used in the Olymp ic Games, public welfare grants, medical assistance, disaster relief and other soci al undertakings, has become an important "booster" of promoting the rapid devel opment of sports public welfare undertakings and social undertakings.The lottery public welfare fund is the remaining amount after deducting the amount of awarding and issuance expenses from the total sales amount of lottery. The lottery public welfare fund of our country accounts for about 35% of the tot al amount of lottery sales, which is mainly used to support the development of so cial welfare undertakings and sports public welfare undertakings. Lottery industr y is green environmental protection industry, whose powerful financial function i s called "smile tax". With the continuous expansion of China’s lottery industry, t he problems exposed by lottery public welfare fund in the supervision of funds, t he distribution of the project and the use of the process are becoming increasingl y prominent, which have become the focus and hot spot of all walks of people an d the mass media.This paper attempts to analyse the existing problems and shortcomings of o ur country’s current lottery supervision system on the present background of deve lopment of the lottery industry in China, based on the theory of government regu lation and externalities, and In view of our country current lottery public welfare fund supervision mode, the paper also points out that only by changing the lotter y public welfare fund supervision system, gradually reforming the distribution m ode of the current public welfare fund, broadening the scope of the use of lottery public welfare fund, further increasing the intensity of the lottery internal regulati on,exploring the new ways and means of the Internet supervising the lottery pub lie welfare fund and further increasing the intensity of a boycott of the private lot tery, can the lottery industry set sail in the new wave of development.
Keywords/Search Tags:lottery, public welfare fund, supervision problems
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