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Problems And Countermeasures In The Current Government 's Letters And Visits

Posted on:2015-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LuFull Text:PDF
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The system of letters and visits is China’s unique system of expression of public opinion, it is an important channel for the party and the masses close contact, protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Public opinion is like running water, should not be blocked sparse. Can do delivery work among the masses, the test is not only a political attitude to the interests of the masses, is the ability of the ruling, the ruling idea. In recent years, the letters and visits system in communication, feedback opinion demands, resolve contradictions, plays a unique role in promoting harmonious etc.However,with the accelerated economic and social construction and development, caused by the contradictions among the people of land requisition compensation, housing demolition, the group’s visit, the household registration reform in visitation petition issues outstanding, ran to the interceptors, repeated petitions even visit wrapped make visit occur, serious impact on social harmony and stability. Therefore, further reform and improve the system of letters and visits from the necessary. Path petition reform, is the program and legal system. As presented eighteen party 3 in plenary meeting, put forward to make clear a requirement for the reform of the system of petition work, to reform the petition work system, sound on the spot in time solve masses reasonable appeals mechanism, the law and petition to solve in the rule of law, perfect the expression of appeal channels, let it and other dispute resolution, right relief mechanism a, protection network build a common damages the interests of the masses, put the letters into the orbit of the legal settlement, according to law, orderly Petition Petition, and truly let the petition system has become an effective form of democratic politics in the new period, the rule of law in China oriented in defending the rights of citizens, stable social order. Based on the careful study of the relevant data of China’s petition system, starting from the specific petition case, analyses the existing problems in the work of handling letters and visits, along with the further promotion of reform and opening-up, the continuous adjustment of interest pattern, numerous contradictions and problems reflected by the channels of letters and visits, expounds the problems and causes of present the petition work in, and puts forward specific measures to further improve the work of letters in China, listen to the opinions of the masses, the masses demand response, solve masses problem-no matter what normal petition is solved in the framework, the original must be followed. Finally stressed that to solve these problems the fundamental way is to develop a unified "petition law", from the perspective of practice need to solve the shallow must analyze the necessity and feasibility of legislation of the legislation and the problems in the legal basis for the right to provide direct petition and each organ to exercise the power of letters and visits, prevent and reduce the occurrence of the petition problem from the source. Because of the shortage of legislation present situation of subtractive caused the administrative discretion is too large and the petition disorder.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government, Petition, problems, countermeasures
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