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Sheikh "six" And The Chinese Painting

Posted on:2011-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308982363Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Novelty value of the new standard exchange of the twentieth century Western art since the development of a very interesting phenomenon, that is, both sides tried to abandon its tradition of painting, they are alienated in the other's tradition, the surface seems to be "compatible" nature is not "self-content." This value exchange, whether transitional or purposeful? If it is transitional, that it is the purpose? If the purpose, then what should we do?Intention of the Ming Dynasty, when Western missionaries preaching the way of culture, with the help of Western technology and culture, including paintings, including carriers to expand the influence of Catholicism in China. The first "Western Learning" and will introduce Chinese painting, oil painting in China for the training of the first group of local artists. After the initial "light painting", "reference material" and the "style of transplantation," the Chinese painting form the initial shape. But in the nineteenth century, oil painting with the demise of the Qing Dynasty and the decline also followed twilight. Modern and contemporary Chinese paintings, was conceived but died two hundred years the history of faults, start again, this time Chinese artists have to face 500 years of history of the Western tradition of painting, but also the face of an endless stream of Western Modern Art the impact of thought, as well as their respective basic understanding of the values of the different arts, the art also choose a different coordinate. With the beginning of the New Culture Movement, "Western Learning" rise again, oil played a historical mission of national salvation. Anti-Japanese War, the liberation war have rolling conditions of the times, the Chinese oil painting has gradually formed a new and unique character. Founding of New China, the Chinese painting broke the previous pattern of diversified development. Meanwhile, cut off from the West, caused Chinese oil painting industry lost to Western oil painting for a comprehensive understanding of research and choice, so that transplantation of painting as a heterogeneous cultural left "inherent" in the history of defects, but also fell into the "lacks" the embarrassing situations. When the "oil nationalization" is energetically the road of revolution realistic scene rendering features of the diversity of facets, a Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, to all civilization, culture, art, beautiful are thrown into the abyss of catastrophe and destruction in. Smashing of the "Gang of Four" to end the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, followed by reform and opening up, art was free from political client's identity, not as a tool of class struggle, artists are no longer lose their color multi-function machines themselves. The focus of the artistic creation is the artist's self-consciousness recover and resume painting as an art of self-discipline of science, from a political appendage to the community, the concern over human nature. Under the influence of the socialist market economy, contemporary Chinese painting, the art of "commoditization" trend in the art concepts and values to bring changes in the effects of globalization, China once again into a lost painting.Century Chinese painting of a loss, what direction? Boba that summary of Chinese painting, concise, with the line, composition and other methods to fully learn oil painting creation, and that the originator of modern art in Europe and indirectly from the influence of Chinese traditional arts. Really true? To re-examine and understand the origin of our culture, traditional art, I believe that "Six" theory advocated by the spirit of painting, Western painting has indeed similar to the Department, is sufficient to play the current Chinese oil painting of the theoretical points. In this way, people can become conscious and unconscious reference intake for the necessary theoretical guidance and creative ideology.Sheikh's "Six" on, contains all the connotations of traditional Chinese culture: performance of the object from the inner spirit of the artist to express the object of emotion and evaluation, to use a pen to describe the object shape, structure and color, and composition and mimic inheritance, etc. In short, all aspects of creation and circulation, are summarized into a. "Six" is the proposed painting a more complete theoretical system. In terms of the body painting, painting only rational and law issues related to this, there should be law and technology, ancient and contemporary issues. Specifically, each method contain the concept of reason and law, but also the purpose of emphasis on law and technology, from past to present is that it emphasizes the essence of the problem. "Six Laws" relatively independent, each for the chapter, but also closely linked, seamless. V. Preparation and natural law "Lively." "Six" from the epistemological nature of Chinese culture originated, focuses on "Heaven," the highest level, summed up the primitive culture as an important category of Chinese painting Li-fa, Jane Gai essence, all-encompassing. 1000 For centuries, Chinese painters have become the standard arguments and measuring the success or failure of the law of paintings.This paper tries to combine the course of development of oil painting Sheikh "Six", for the status quo of Chinese oil paintings, and the characteristics of modern Western painting, through Vivid, bone pen, should things pictographic, with the type of Colors, operating location, Tradition of writing six aspects of the analysis and comparison, trying to find an effective meeting point, the Chinese oil painting is not limited to formal migration and reproduction. By further understanding of traditional culture, change from passive to active combination of references, so that the real Chinese painting has its own language and characteristics.Chinese oil painting after centuries of vicissitudes in the, now, most of the artists are trying to "Reform" - painting in the West to accept incoming local culture of baptism, can represent two kinds of western civilization, genre organic combination of oil painting in China, the land really have their own language. From the early Returned Overseas to the initial exploration, the transition from realism to impressionistic. Composition techniques from form to performance, Chinese oil paintings consciously reflection on the "Six", is no longer a simple copy and reproduce, but to form a new freehand weather.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sheikh six legal codes, traditional, fusion, nationality
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