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Novel Word "research

Posted on:2011-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308980604Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"No Words" is the writer Zhang Jie a summary of the novel, the story of three generations of women with a history of the fate of the main line to the background of turbulent times for the stage, writing one hundred years in China on women's history.After the awakening of women as subjects of their own and society's re-writing of history, this is "no word" feminist consciousness of the novel dimension. Zhang Jie as the new era of a scar literature, published in the 20-80s "Love is not forgotten" to take a positive from the power of light to achieve the critical role of literature and set onto a human perspective literature. After Zhang Jie naturally turn to the literature on the concerns of marriage and love. "No Words" in the family for four generations of women, from the most traditional female-ink load to the most self-conscious awareness of women-Zen month, the novel was to make the fate of the female family, the story is generally the fate of their fossil record. These include the "blood for ink" Women on their own re-writing history and re-understanding of male-dominated society and the "disenchantment."The essence of artistic activity is outside of the inner world, the various manifestations of different art forms in nature is connected, in this context, "No Words" narrative can be analyzed from the perspective of music. Find the relationship between literature and music, in seeking to explore the basis of the same "no word" music of the narrative aesthetic pursuit. Which narrative and lyrical symphonic music "without the word" narrative have in common, can prove of each other, from a musical point of "listening" novel research objectives, and discusses the novel in order to promote the structural characteristics. Research methods in accordance with parts from the whole to carry out.The language of the literature of the 20th century, a major breakthrough. Women's "body language" is looking for women, and the core and get rid of "existence precedes essence" of the male discourse of strength. "No Words" Words of Women in the realization of women living in their own words in the dream, the novel's language reflected the woman writer's "body language" and the dialogue and analysis of the characteristics of talk.
Keywords/Search Tags:"No word", female writing, structure study, language study
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